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New Kahn Fight Thread

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If you're getting sparked out by nobodies then maybe so. But when you're jumping up weight categories and fighting the best around I don't think you can say he's lost any credibility.

These people who say " i would get in the ring for 2 million " bla bla bla........are you the same people who walk into a job with no experience demanding huge salaries ?   The reason you cant deman

Glad he got beat lol

I wouldn't be to bothered getting in the ring with him for a few mil.I can a sure you a early ko...I respect eny man who puts the time in and has the balls to step up..no I don't like him but he's worked for what he has so.we all get beat be it in a ring or Street..

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Yes Groves got found out but you talking shite about Khan going mma give it up will you

Anyone who thinks a boxer can just walk into MMA or an MMA fighter just walk into boxing is talking absolute tripe.

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How many on here would even be settled and disciplined enough to even go into a fight ? Let's be honest, loads of mouthpieces who probably could ,nt beat sleep.Like him or not Khan gave it a go

Couldn't beat sleep. I like that one. Lol. Completely agree with your posts.

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These people who say " i would get in the ring for 2 million " bla bla bla........are you the same people who walk into a job with no experience demanding huge salaries ?


The reason you cant demand that sort of money is because nobody is interested in you,you didnt have the discipline or character to put the work in early on yous were probably too busy going out getting pissed and trying drugs out.... a kid like Khan made the sacrifices and had the character to put the work in....if you think you are worth millions then go out and get what you are worth but like anything else you cant start at the top.

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Comes across as a real down to earth humble lad there, fair play to him :thumbs:


yeh :thumbs: , and he said he strong at his weight, maybe but he still goes down to easy from a shot, even at his own natural weight. :yes: still fair play to him he plenty of dosh in the bank .

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I give him credit for taking these kind of fights, makes me wonder why Kel Brooke isn't having big fights....


khan has got a bad chin but it's all relative, its about time he started thinking of his health now imo.

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Good bit of business by Mr Khan...if hed of took the Brook fight and lost he would have nowhere to go...lose against Alvarez and hes still got the Brook fight...plus he trousers 6 mill...predictable result...but good business for Mr Khan

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Good bit of business by Mr Khan...if hed of took the Brook fight and lost he would have nowhere to go...lose against Alvarez and hes still got the Brook fight...plus he trousers 6 mill...predictable result...but good business for Mr Khan

But surely every time he gets sparked out, the less he looks like a credible competitor?

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