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Anabolic Steroids.

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My hoddy was a big boy,I always wondered how he got so big,anyway at 27 had a massive heart attack,helicoptered to London 8hrs open hert surgery,cut him down his rib cage and wird it back up.2yrs off work he's on meds for ever now,got anxiety,sleep issues, very thin hair and much smaller now all at 29 yrx old.

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In my experience the majority of people who take gear for a reason ( sport/competition etc ) are extremely knowledgable about what they are putting into their bodies.   Whereas the people who take g

Having read a few of the replies here and never having had any knowledge of steroids or even had any interest in weight training it would seem to me that the logical conclusion is that they are no dif

Take them if you want hardened arteries and strokes in your late 40s and dead by mid 50s. You may look good in the short term but the long term damage is deadly



Glad I haven't been on the Juice. Was at the girlfriends mothers the other night for BBQ and a drink. She suffers from high blood pressure and is on medication for it. She tested all ours for a bit of fun and shock horror mine was sky high. I've always had perfect blood pressure and was blaming the machine but it was consistent in my readings, everybody else was fine. Went to the doctors today and they confirmed it was high, in the 160's/70-80's. I've had to take home a blood pressure monitor home for a week and check it twice a day. Must admit it's shit me up as I've always been in decent shape and fit. My diet leaves a lot to be desired though with all the fast food I eat, worrying times.

Hopefully it's something like a mild infection or something similar.hope you get it under control mate.

No idea as I don't feel to bad in myself. This morning it was down to 131/72 so not too high.


Little ups and downs are nothing to worry about our bp can swing for all different reasons.......its when its high for long periods of time that problems develop.

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DogFox yours most prob down to diet

Get eating healthy

And cut out the salt and sugar from your diet it's a killer .

Can of coke = 64 cubes of sugar

Bottle of Lucazade 65 cubes of sugar :(

Max its high,,but not that high,,,coke has 35 grams of sugar ,,wich is 7 tea spoons,,,so about 7 cubes of sugar

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Did any of you London doormen/clubbers ever meet/work for dave Courteney? I read his book on holiday once, was any of it true or was it all piss and wind?

The lad he mentions in his books called wolfie,,the lad that did time for him,,,came to work in Ibiza for a short while whilst I was there working,,,he came with a few other lads,,,seemed good lads,,and we got on well,,,,but all but one of them had to leave in a hurry in the end,,,from somthing they never started ,,,this would have been around 1999,,,


A year later I read the book,,,stop the ride I want to get off,,,and here was this wolfie lad mentioned a lot ,,,


I must admit I liked the book a lot,,,,very amusing and full of funny story's ,,especially to a 30 year old lad,,,

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DogFox yours most prob down to diet

Get eating healthy

And cut out the salt and sugar from your diet it's a killer .

Can of coke = 64 cubes of sugar

Bottle of Lucazade 65 cubes of sugar :(

It's the fast foods that do me, I'm not overweight or anything and always had good blood pressure so never even thought about it.

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Did any of you London doormen/clubbers ever meet/work for dave Courteney? I read his book on holiday once, was any of it true or was it all piss and wind?

Bunged into him a few times back in my raving days.Always polite and jovial enough but did come across as a bit of a bell end.He came down to kent back in the 90s when we were putting on parties and offered his services but was told politely that they wernt needed.I think he was shocked at the do's we were putting on.I'm sure he thought we were a load of old carrot crunchers putting on barn dances.
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