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Some of us were running round 30 years ago saying this would happen one day......we got told to shut our mouths and stop being nasty knuckle dragging scumbags......by the very same people that are now

My biggest concern is not Khan the man himself, but the message that it gives out to the Muslim world. They will look to us from their barbaric shit holes and think we like them or want them here. Or

Immigration, promotion of foreign cultures and religions, chipping away at traditional moral values is like sitting at the bar with a pint, every time you take a sip the barmaid pours in some water bu

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London's less than 45% white British,the apathetic,liberals,deviants etc will make up a big part of them,so it's no shock.


It's not over by a long shot,as a people we're a good few steps behind ethnics especially Muslims in terms of understanding and accepting identity politics,it will come full circle when all the old labour voting goyim die off and the more switched on children of today turn 18.

more switched on kids of today???? Today's kids are Facebook zombies, try asking them to set up a fishing rod, or even gut a fish, watch the shock horror on they're bakes, as they're too numb to reality because they walk around with hoodies up with headphones on and they're face buried into an iPhone. And childline has they're backing I case they ever get disciplined. The western world is in a mess, and Angela merkel is just helping its destruction

So they get their info/education online,not from government approved school textbooks and the BBC like their parents and grandparents?

And that's bad?


They'll have no choice but to think and act as a group,the humanist,egalitarian mindset that's dominated in western Europe for so long dies with the baby boomers.

cant see it mate, unless the native Britons teach they're kids the truth at home your fecked, the mayor is a Muslim what a trophy for the invaders, how many of our emigrants to they're shitholes sit in government!?????? Not1 . There will never be a take back as we're giving the nation to them

As the ethnics take over more of the country,there'll be less places for the Whites to run to and they'll congregate and reform their own communities,then like the Muslims they'll think as a people and act in their own interest.


Only then will any politician pander to us and our interests.

Identity politics are here to stay.

the difference is neems, they will execute you lot as they all seem to follow the script wether they admit to it or not, the natives were too soft on them from the start



No it won't be so dramatic imo,in every country every sensible group has their own peoples interests at heart,that goes for the Muslim world too.

In Europeans especially in England we've had that instinct curtailed for a long time.


They didn't come here and start demanding sharia courts on day 1.

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London England....Consider yourselves......WAR!


Repeat after me f**k Queen & Country!


Mr Khan will have a tough journey ahead. Don't forget Khan was born in Tooting, a true Londoner and British, as for that messy skank of a man Boris who was born in the USA...


Anyway he was the people's choice, and I couldn't give a flying frisbee as I choose not to trust any of them.


Power to the people!!!

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London England....Consider yourselves......WAR!


Repeat after me f**k Queen & Country!


Mr Khan will have a tough journey ahead. Don't forget Khan was born in Tooting, a true Londoner and British, as for that messy skank of a man Boris who was born in the USA...


Anyway he was the people's choice, and I couldn't give a flying frisbee as I choose not to trust any of them.


Power to the people!!!

No paki muslim is a true Londoner or British


The choice of immigrants in a place where white British people are in the minority

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My biggest concern is not Khan the man himself, but the message that it gives out to the Muslim world.

They will look to us from their barbaric shit holes and think we like them or want them here. Or even that they or on the road to further power and control here and it will give them more reason to come here.

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What shower of whining whinging c**ts plenty of complaining but do f**k all about anything and blame everyone else, immigrants, politicians ,pacifists, politicians dont elect themselves immigration policy is set by parliament full of politicians who people vote for some one pisses down your back and tells you its raining and f**k me you believe them.

Edited by desertbred
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My biggest concern is not Khan the man himself, but the message that it gives out to the Muslim world.

They will look to us from their barbaric shit holes and think we like them or want them here. Or even that they or on the road to further power and control here and it will give them more reason to come here.


They are on the road to further power here, we are powerless to stop them unless we are prepared to do what is necessary

"british" voters just voted in a moslem mayor of our nations capital

"british" voters just voted back to power the people who oversaw the mass raping of 1400 underage vunerable girls


They know exactly whats going to happen in the uk, they just can believe how easy its gonna be taking it

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I was born in the valleys of s.wales.i moved to England for 10yrs but moved back 3yrs ago.

40 now.so 30yrs living in s.wales.

The only coloured person I ever seen in the valleys was the Chinese.in the take away.

Only ever a few Chinese in the school from the take away family not 1 other coloured person about.

In Swansea yes there are all breeds.

But apart from the mines closing it's just the same in my area.as if time has stood still.

And I'm glad for fact that I ain't amongst them.

From reading on here for a while.

You London lads have seen massive changes with the influx of feck knows what breeds are now taking over the capital of GB.

And it's only time before they start seeping into the quiet areas of this country.

I haven't had them here to worry me.

It's my 3 young lads and there kids who I worry for.

This country is going down the pan big time.

The whole job is totally fecked.

All the mps Cameron the lot.they are brainy well taught men.

But some people see them as stupid.with the laws and rules being implemented in this.country.

They are far from stupid. And once theve got there millions in the bank they will feck off out the country.

No doubt laughing at us for being so fecking gulable.

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The labour party tried to cover up child abuse they failed the people of rotheram voted them in again and you all have a pop at London lol look to your own towns and cities London is just a mirror of the rest of the nation.

I've worked with a lot of Muslims the best ones law abiding tax paying etc etc are all planning on going home there sick of the moral decline in this country of ours,all were left with is filth of all colours types

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Those in power are slowly conditioning us

Micro chipping of dogs now

5-10 yrs time micro chip in workers hands to clock on and off

30-50 years time micro chip all baby's at birth

Followed and taxed to death from cradle to grave

The number of the Beast

Same re the London mayor

Get a muzzy in now and condition folk ready for a muzzy PM

Wake up folks and spread the word

A OUT vote on June the 23rd or get ready for a

Bosnia / Serbia type scenario sooner than you think.

Never going to happen Max, do you seriously think that people who don't have the bollocks to speak up about day to day nonsense for fear of being branded a racist or a homophobe are going to be picking up a gun?.........they can't even be bothered to walk down the polling station !


They worry about "the economy"..........do you think Isis worry about "the economy" ?


No, I don't f***ing think so ;)

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I think ALL the powers that be are corrupt ,and rotten to the core,theyve got away with it for so long ,with no protest from those whose best interests they are suppose to be looking after,they have carried on taking the p*ss more and more !

A bit like some one at work pinching a few bits/adding a few hours to the overtime sheet ,the more they get away with robbing the very thing that gives them a wage ,the bolder they get ,just assuming the bosses are mugs ,but eventually when they get to greedy ,it is their downfall!

Ticking little boxes wont rectify the situation now,weve gone past that point,something a little bit more pro active is needed,it might mean some upheaval for a few years but at least wed be back on track,to getting our country back to somewhere to be proud of!

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My biggest concern is not Khan the man himself, but the message that it gives out to the Muslim world.

They will look to us from their barbaric shit holes and think we like them or want them here. Or even that they or on the road to further power and control here and it will give them more reason to come here.


They are on the road to further power here, we are powerless to stop them unless we are prepared to do what is necessary

"british" voters just voted in a moslem mayor of our nations capital

"british" voters just voted back to power the people who oversaw the mass raping of 1400 underage vunerable girls


They know exactly whats going to happen in the uk, they just can believe how easy its gonna be taking it


Got to live in the shithole town of Rotherham to see how bad it is dreading next years council tax bill to pay for all the shit the labour council has caused a council that's on the brink of bankruptsey.

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If you look at it fairly and sensibly then do people really deserve to keep what they are not willing to fight for ?......the generation before us had to fight for it physically we didnt even have to do that we had it piss easy compared to them yet we didnt think it was all that important........yet now we are whingeing about someone coming taking something that was rightfully ours when we didnt think it was all that important anyway......some people didnt quite have the bottle to stand up for each other when the game was on.....dont start trying to get all " together " now the game has been lost !

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Get the young back into boots for two years National service throw the air jordans in the bin.some square bashing , 25 mile yomps in full kit if something is worth having its worth fighting for as gnasher said , discipline and courage will face most situations and prevail. The EU as far as I can see is a total waste of time and Money surely a countries borders and security are its own responsibility and are more important than being a mouthpiece in Europe for America .Just my opinion.

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