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Some of us were running round 30 years ago saying this would happen one day......we got told to shut our mouths and stop being nasty knuckle dragging scumbags......by the very same people that are now

My biggest concern is not Khan the man himself, but the message that it gives out to the Muslim world. They will look to us from their barbaric shit holes and think we like them or want them here. Or

Immigration, promotion of foreign cultures and religions, chipping away at traditional moral values is like sitting at the bar with a pint, every time you take a sip the barmaid pours in some water bu

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Makes me sick to the stomach, each and every fcuker who voted for him should be hanged.


Shit hole of a country, when my daughter is old enough to fend for herself I'm out and never looking back.

Edited by DogFox123
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Forget about him being a Muslim, that bloke is one of the worst lefty hate everything, bash the police, right-on nutters there is.........sad day for Britain.

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Some of us were running round 30 years ago saying this would happen one day......we got told to shut our mouths and stop being nasty knuckle dragging scumbags......by the very same people that are now hoping Ukip will jump in and save the day.


People get what they deserve.

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Frankly, I'm not surprised.......have a ride on any tube train at a busy time and look down the carriage and study the faces/listen to the languages........that will tell you all you need to know about the state of London ;)

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I will hold my hands up and say I fully believe the jobs f****d in the UK and England in paticular.......that's why I checked out.

Never mind staying and fighting, to be honest I didn't see the majority of my fellow countrymen worth fighting for !!........that's not to say there's not good people, there are plenty........just not enough IMHO


People seem to fail to see that everything matters, and if you buy into the smallest bit of local government bullshit (like wrong rubbish in bins or worrying that someone parked a bit dodgy) then you buy into the whole shooting match at national level..........and worse, you mandate it !


And the stupid bit is, that it's used against you to stop you complaining.......the population effectively mandates its own destruction.



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