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Trump's Done It..........!

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Open goal for the Democrats now. Trump will get fcukin slaughtered in the presidential election. I almost feel sorry for him...., nah I don't???

Some yank political analysis on the radio this morning reckons he could do it and definitely in with a fighting chance

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Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are on a sinking boat, who survives?







America! America survives! LOL.


God help us, two more politicians that want more government.

Edited by Born Hunter
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They said he would never make it this far ....last year many experts on US politics said he would just fade away


Now people will say he doesn't stand a chance of being president.....well he stands a very good chance

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I think he has a better-than-average chance...


He can't count on the Hispanic vote (obviously !), but Clinton's support among the white working class is weak......exactly the group that Donald J has connected with the most !


Hillary also has a bit of a black dog on her shoulder - guilt by association to her lying, cheating corrupt husband !


Expect Trump to tone his language down a bit, but do expect the most bitter, acrimonious contest that we've ever seen......


Who said politics is boring ?

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It's the best possible outcome we could hope for.

Trump vs Clinton was always his best shot,Clinton is all the worst elements of the current establishment rolled into one hideous sea hag,so hopefully even some lefties have the sense to either vote Trump or not at all.


I don't think he'll win,but he's already made his point,Americans don't have to lie down and be bulldozed by the brown hordes.


Or maybe Hillary will get indicted before the nomination,and go to prison where she belongs.

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I think he has a better-than-average chance...


He can't count on the Hispanic vote (obviously !), but Clinton's support among the white working class is weak......exactly the group that Donald J has connected with the most !


Hillary also has a bit of a black dog on her shoulder - guilt by association to her lying, cheating corrupt husband !


Expect Trump to tone his language down a bit, but do expect the most bitter, acrimonious contest that we've ever seen......


Who said politics is boring ?

Paddy Power got Clinton 1/3 & the Trumpet 9/4
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I'm glad, and still all the trump haters have not asked why is he winning and how's he done it??? It's simple because your people want him in as he's the only one looking at what's happening in modern America and Europe and is sick to the back teeth of being 2nd class citizens in they're own country over shitslamic, rule and it's what your people want.

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I think he has a better-than-average chance...

He can't count on the Hispanic vote (obviously !), but Clinton's support among the white working class is weak......exactly the group that Donald J has connected with the most !

Hillary also has a bit of a black dog on her shoulder - guilt by association to her lying, cheating corrupt husband !

Expect Trump to tone his language down a bit, but do expect the most bitter, acrimonious contest that we've ever seen......

Who said politics is boring ?

Paddy Power got Clinton 1/3 & the Trumpet 9/4

I still think he has a decent chance.....and his best chance is against Hillary.


I think the bloke is a bit of a clown, if I'm honest, but the political establishment should be looking at WHY he has been so successful, instead of just trying to rubbish his campaign........

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IF it looks like Trump is going to win it they will put a stop to it by one means or another,a win for him would take the power away from the "elites" and hand it back to the people.Remember when George Bush was heading for defeat in his last election (cant remember who it was now ?) and the electronic voting system was allegedly tampered with to favour Bush despite analysts proclaiming a washout loss for him.Anyway there was enough fuss kicked off about it for people to vote again,however there was rioting started at the polling stations when the people went back to re vote and the first result was allowed to stand lol .


ps it was the 2000 election and the US Supreme court effectively picked the winner of the election and not the voting people.

Edited by MickC
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