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Lurking ferret

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Hi all my first time on here so be gentle with me.


Need a bit of advise, out today for the first time with my two jills (haven't been ferretting since I was teenager now 38!) Let the loose in a 15 hole bury on mates farm ,they seemed to thoroughly work it as they came up at virtually all holes but unfortunatey drue a blank :cry: . Big disapointment but one of those things. The problem was that one of my Jills would just show her nose and not come out of the hole and she'd then get a bit spooked and f off back down hole even tried calling her out with food time whistle but as I had no rabbit to tempt her was v frustrating. Eventually got her after about 3/4 of hour. She has always been a bit spooky when we play with her. Do you think it was first time nerves or should I do something different next time.


Happy Hunting George

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If she's always been spooky mate sounds like your either stuck with a skulker, rehoming her or burying her. I got one once off a lad and it hissed like feck every time you went near it in the cage and was terrified, wouldn't even approach food if you were there and it was hungry so I didn't even risk working her and I didn't keep her either. Its cage mate was fine though?

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dont be to fast to condem her mate, first outing an all,

my silver jill does excactly the same, think its cos she's having to much fun, and dont wanna go back in the box

trouble is, if you try grabbing her from hole, its going to make her worst, you just need to let her get on with the job in hand, once its finished and she knows the place is empty of rabbits, she come out no problem, mine runs from hole to hole and i leave her to it, give it a few more outings, before you place judgement, and if still you aint happy, ill have her off ya

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Guest bigredbusa

same prob with my jill, took her out last week and blanked , took her out today and only worked her and she bolted 11 rabbits , hob didnt even get a look in lol .


honestly i think once it's clicked you wont be able to stop it :)


failing that , make a good pet and there seems to be plently of good trusting guys on here who will help out with a new one . i intend to get a litter next year but wont really be any good to you by then .


hang in there for a while

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Hi all my first time on here so be gentle with me.


Need a bit of advise, out today for the first time with my two jills (haven't been ferretting since I was teenager now 38!) Let the loose in a 15 hole bury on mates farm ,they seemed to thoroughly work it as they came up at virtually all holes but unfortunatey drue a blank :cry: . Big disapointment but one of those things. The problem was that one of my Jills would just show her nose and not come out of the hole and she'd then get a bit spooked and f off back down hole even tried calling her out with food time whistle but as I had no rabbit to tempt her was v frustrating. Eventually got her after about 3/4 of hour. She has always been a bit spooky when we play with her. Do you think it was first time nerves or should I do something different next time.


Happy Hunting George

Don't be too quick, give her another year, I'd a little jill, who would do nowt right her first year. I kept her because she was absolutely lovely and the kids loved her too. Next year she was great. She ended up lost, not by me, but that's another story, so well worth waiting a while, as you might be surprised as she matures. :thumbs:

Edited by ianrob
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Thanks all for your replies , much apreciated. I think she was ejoying herself too much under ground and over excited . So will give her a bit more experience and see what happens, I was only getting stessed as it had started raining and getting dark! She's a great pet anyway and the kids love her so can't get rid of her. Wil post pictures when we have our first kill.


Thanks agian George :victory:

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One of my oplder jills has started lurking at the holes i think she just does it if its a quiet day and not many rabbits ,that just when i want to get a move on .when theres plenty rabbits showing she's right as rain but theres a replacement for her coming through the ranks

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