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Anybody Hear That??

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The typhoon (eurofighter) is an awesome piece of kit that unfortunately was surpassed before the first was even produced. Before the first one was off the line they already drew up plans for the JSF, killed off the harriers (another amazing plane) but also removed the go ahead for some incredible technology that was to be part of the typhoon. Yanks always want to be ahead and will ensure it.... frankly we do it better alone ;)

We as in us and the Germans??? We can't take all the credit for the Typhoon.

Edited by DogFox123
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When ever I was in Afghanistan after a fire fight if a jet was nearby they would always do a show of strength and fly over very very close, we where heading back to the pb and the b*****d flew over an

Bloody crapped me self, didnt half rattle the house , thought the windows where coming in , but the raf lads are doing there job best of luuck to them

Air France plane http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-36188979 Reckon it was rammed with immigrants?

Fantastic jet, I only wish we had named it the spitfire.


There's a yank squadron of Raptors over here to have some games with our typhoons round about now. Now that'd be a spectacle! Different jets for different jobs....

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It still comes down to the man/men flying. How well they know their plane, it's limitations, how to use them etc ;)


To add the tornado has been around for decades and is still up there (granted with upgrades and modifications) with the best of them. Could it out manouver a typhoon or a Raphael probably not but sure as shit a very experienced tornado pilot could have a good ruck with one ;)

Edited by mushroom
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It still comes down to the man/men flying. How well they know their plane, it's limitations, how to use them etc ;)

To add the tornado has been around for decades and is still up there (granted with upgrades and modifications) with the best of them. Could it out manouver a typhoon or a Raphael probably not but sure as shit a very experienced tornado pilot could have a good ruck with one ;)

The tornado is exceptional at what it was made for low level interdiction operations. When it comes to shit or bust strikes deep in to enemy defences the tonka is the daddy! '91 Gulf, the RAF was tasked with taking out targets that make for incredible reading!


A jet made for penetrating Soviet air defences hundreds of miles behind the front line, unsupported and suicidal at worst. Seeing them tear through the sky's of lincs as a kid has left me with a soft spot for the tonka.

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It still comes down to the man/men flying. How well they know their plane, it's limitations, how to use them etc ;)

To add the tornado has been around for decades and is still up there (granted with upgrades and modifications) with the best of them. Could it out manouver a typhoon or a Raphael probably not but sure as shit a very experienced tornado pilot could have a good ruck with one ;)

The tornado is exceptional at what it was made for low level interdiction operations. When it comes to shit or bust strikes deep in to enemy defences the tonka is the daddy! '91 Gulf, the RAF was tasked with taking out targets that make for incredible reading!


A jet made for penetrating Soviet air defences hundreds of miles behind the front line, unsupported and suicidal at worst. Seeing them tear through the sky's of lincs as a kid has left me with a soft spot for the tonka.

The Tornado was used more than the Typhoon during air strikes in Libya as it was equipped to carry the Brimstone air-to-surface missile whereas the Typhoon couldn't at that point.

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I'm in love with tornado too ?


A mate is (or was) on the refits/rewires. Knew a few test pilots when I was a kid. Them boys had the best job ever imo and meeting them made me want to be a pilot..... unfortunately the RAF had other ideas :laugh:

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This looks like it'd be a bit of fun...

I watched that lastnight pesky I can't imagine being in the rear seat.

I watched a few of the mach loop videos before. Here's a good 1.

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Those tornados have my hairs on end :laugh:


Remember being in the lakes years ago when my eldest would have been 4-5 we were up "I forget the name" at eye level with two tornados flying formation both banked and the the trailing pilot was waving at us with my little one frantically waving back ??

Edited by mushroom
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Those tornados have my hairs on end :laugh:

Remember being in the lakes years ago when my eldest would have been 4-5 we were up "I forget the name" at eye level with two tornados flying formation both banked and the the trailing pilot was waving at us with my little one frantically waving back

I bet you give a cheeky wave aswell mushroom lol
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Those tornados have my hairs on end :laugh:

Remember being in the lakes years ago when my eldest would have been 4-5 we were up "I forget the name" at eye level with two tornados flying formation both banked and the the trailing pilot was waving at us with my little one frantically waving back

I bet you give a cheeky wave aswell mushroom lol

I saluted him like a gentleman :laugh:

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Those tornados have my hairs on end :laugh:

Remember being in the lakes years ago when my eldest would have been 4-5 we were up "I forget the name" at eye level with two tornados flying formation both banked and the the trailing pilot was waving at us with my little one frantically waving back

I bet you give a cheeky wave aswell mushroom lol

I saluted him like a gentleman :laugh:

I remember my mate telling me about a lad working on top of the mountain in an opencast.

Big bomber type planes used to fly close to the opencast heading to the coast.

1 day at break time the lad in the cabin said to the boys.

Hey did you see that bomber passing earlier I was talking to him.

Feck off they said.

Ay I was. he was talking and I was lip reading him.

What did he say then.

He asked me which way was mumbles.

So I pointed and said down there lol.


Fecking guy is off his head lol.

He told the lads 1 day he was driving up the m4 towing a horse box.

At 70mph.

I heard a bang he said so a few miles later pulled into the services

I checked on the horses and they were covered in sweat and panting like feck.

The floor was missing in the horse box.they were running at 70mph for a good few miles.pmsl.

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