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Anybody Hear That??

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Laid down on the sofa with the Missus, next thing somebody just tried to kick the door in so I thought. Opens the door and everybody on the street is out their houses.


Apparently two Typhoons were sent out to intercept a civilian plane, but then I read from the RAF Twitter site it was to go check up on some Russians....

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When ever I was in Afghanistan after a fire fight if a jet was nearby they would always do a show of strength and fly over very very close, we where heading back to the pb and the b*****d flew over an

Bloody crapped me self, didnt half rattle the house , thought the windows where coming in , but the raf lads are doing there job best of luuck to them

Air France plane http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-36188979 Reckon it was rammed with immigrants?


Just been watching this.the second clip I can't get my head around it.

Some very low fly overs scary fast.1:30 is a close 1.https://youtu.be/JXQf4R5ErZo

Some amazing flying there, but I'll guarantee that some of those pilots needed a change of underwear after landing
I don't blame them pesky lol.

That second clip as he comes into land then lifts the bonnet up and floors it.he looks to be going so slow.amazing power in them jets.

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