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Started The Hw77 Stock

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Back in its action lads that's it all done on this thread   Simon gave it its seal of approval   atvbmac :thumbs:

Some more now she is dry enough to handle   she will get another coat on to night lads but this time im putting the oil on with my fingers a little at a time Less is better than more at this stage .

At last some good pics of it   atvbmac :thumbs:

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Nice as that Prosport is, I wouldn't mind being able to really test it and pitch it fair and square against my HW77. One .22 underlever against the merits of another as it were. Really give each a rifle a completely unbiased test of handling and accuracy downrange to ever increasing distance-ranges.


Both these underlevers really please my senses and instincts for shooting. Both are truly magnificent spring air rifles that are a joy to shoot with.



......Oh..if only that Prosprt was available to us left handers..... :cray:

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Some more now she is dry enough to handle


she will get another coat on to night lads but this time im putting the oil on with my fingers a little at a time Less is better than more at this stage .


the photos for some reason are making it look red but she is not lol


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:









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Nice as that Prosport is, I wouldn't mind being able to really test it and pitch it fair and square against my HW77. One .22 underlever against the merits of another as it were. Really give each a rifle a completely unbiased test of handling and accuracy downrange to ever increasing distance-ranges.


Both these underlevers really please my senses and instincts for shooting. Both are truly magnificent spring air rifles that are a joy to shoot with.



......Oh..if only that Prosprt was available to us left handers..... :cray:

Im picking up a pro sport stock ,,a gift off a friend,,,, and iv got an idea of how to turn one into a left hooker


with out cutting the sharp end off or reshaping it at all?


and im going to see if it works :yes: :yes: :yes:


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Nice as that Prosport is, I wouldn't mind being able to really test it and pitch it fair and square against my HW77. One .22 underlever against the merits of another as it were. Really give each a rifle a completely unbiased test of handling and accuracy downrange to ever increasing distance-ranges.


Both these underlevers really please my senses and instincts for shooting. Both are truly magnificent spring air rifles that are a joy to shoot with.



......Oh..if only that Prosprt was available to us left handers..... :cray:


Im picking up a pro sport stock ,,a gift off a friend,,,, and iv got an idea of how to turn one into a left hooker


with out cutting the sharp end off or reshaping it at all?


and im going to see if it works :yes: :yes: :yes:


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Get a patent on it before you show it off mac.......This time next year Rodney...??
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She has some shine on her now lads


the photos are not picking up just how much of a shine is on her


im building the layers up nicely now and it wont be long before she is ready for the rubbing compound


and then the buff up with the bee,s wax


Simon im picking up your stock pad up to day mate


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


PS, im sorry if you all think im going on to much in this and other threads but im trying to show some of you just what go,s into doing this sort of job on a stock nd trying to go through the steps with you all so you can try it your self,s







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Jimmy I'm fast running out of superlatives again. But this is just amazing what you've brought put to the surface here.


Dare I ask if you can give her a glass like finish all round? I just think it would seal this incredible degree of grain swirl. I don't recall ever seeing a beechwood stock as beautiful, as fully figured as this one. I'm just in total awe of your skills and your sheer generosity of kindness. :clapper::notworthy:


I thought my HW80 stock was incredible. And it really is. I thought nothing could match it, but, I have to admit, this one takes the title!


This whole stock is a measure of the kindness of the good kind lads on this forum.

It was originally given to me a few years ago by Elliott here after I put out a thread for a HW77 or HW97K stock for my HW97KT. I just wasn't quite liking the feel of the Thumbhole stock as I thought. Elliott had this one.


I offered him cash for it, but no, he said it was kicking about and he was happy to see it go to someone who'd use it. :o:)


I set to work sanding out the thrust of the right handed cheek-weld piece and fashioned a really comfortable palm swell behind the wrist or grip, taking away the flow of the cheekpiece. It makes a very nice and comfortable handling stock and I fitted it to my HW97KT and it made a beautiful stock for that rifle. Another lad here offered to stain it but, the result was a bit...well.. Orangey! I know we should never look a gift horse in the mouth and, it was better than the contrasting dark beech and creamy wood where it had been worked over.


Well, A lad approached me about the original KT Thumbhole stock now in my pantry!. He offered me a mint condition HW97K Bavarian sporter stock and a fair amount of cash. I could see he was a bit hard up so, I did a straight swap, stock for stock. The Bavarian is a beauty. It's right handed but very comfortable for left hand shooting. It makes my rifle what it truly is. An original HW97K and I love it.


Meanwhile, my friend has a beautiful mint condition KT Thumbhole stock for his 97.


Then, my HW77 has a really gorgeous beech stock that's ambidextrous and the this old orange was left behind a while. But I love the lower, slimmer profile that the early model Weihrauch stocks have like this one.


After Jimmy's wonderful kindness here and how this stock now looks, it is going to my HW77 .22 as its permanent stock. An incredibly accurate-as-you-can-be .22 underlever with this stunning retro stock from the good old days of old school shooting.


Sorry to bang on here Gentlemen but, this is forum is made of good men, some of the finest I could ever meet and I wish to God the rest of the human race was made up of people like this.


Life would be fair, just and honest and everyone would be counted!

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You know the more I see what you are doing Jimmy and the genuine appreciation you have Simon for the work being done, I think we all share in your joy of what is about to land on your door. Very interesting post Jimmy, I think I might print this off if you don't mind.



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She has a glass like shine to her now Simon the last two coats have been put on using my fingers and not a cloth and iv not rubbed her down in-between the last two coats so i can build up the coats Leeview has help,d me out with the last few coats as he is a french polisher so i can get a better finish on this stock .


So despite our first fall out


i must thank him on here as he has been a big help to me with his information he has given me by pm.s


when he could of told me to feck off


so thank you so much leeview(Sean)


between the two Seans(vizlauk and leeview) it will be spot on :signthankspin: :signthankspin: :signthankspin:


and feel free to print it off if you want Phil


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Awsome matey just awsome, Does the but plate much work to get the fit correct.



It fits all rifles but you do need a grinder or a grinding wheel


you put it on the stock get a pen or pencil then mark it by drawing around the end of the stock where it meets the plate


then take it off and grind it down to the shape of the stock


some times the screw holes don't line up with the original screw holes in the stock so you need to drill new ones and counter sink them so the screws go in the same holes as the original pad.


or you could drill new holes in the stock but they may be to close to the end of the stock or original holes


sound a lot of work but its not ,


just picked up a pro sport stock to night and will start that tomorrow


but Simons still needs a few coats yet before i can use the rubbing compound on her


thanks for the nice reply's lads


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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