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Drontal Makes Lurcher Sick - Suggestions For Alternatives ?

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I stopped using Panacur when I realised it's not good at killing the most common tapeworm: the one spread by dog fleas. Read here: though they don't actually say which tapeworm it doesn't kill. They only say it kills 'certain tapeworms'. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=1457


I can't see the point of worming a dog if you're not targeting all the parasites.

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I still think a bad reaction to drontal was what destroyed my last dog, Trevor's health. I gave him one when he arrived here and he was never right afterwards.


I've been using milbemax and he seems ok on it no sign of the wee wrigglers anyway :laugh:

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  • 2 months later...

Update on this one...


Worried that panacur on it's own wasn't doing the job, I tried her on drontal again with no bad side effects this time. Good news, but no idea why this happened.


It's a tricky one to judge, being a lightly built saluki type that enjoys eating all the varieties of sh1t she can get hold of (apart from her own, thankfully), but hopefully the drontal will help keep her looking less of a borderline neglect case.

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Milbemax £10 odd by me, I rate it


I used drontal for year and never had a problem, might just be one of them unlucky thing might of eat something in the sly before beening wormed

Edited by Ross M
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Not all collies react to Ivermectin, only the ones with the MDR1 genetic mutation. Dogs that might be sensitive to Ivermectin should be prevented from picking up droppings from recently wormed farm animals too. If your dog has been treated with Milbemax and has not had a reaction he is probably not one of the sensitive ones.


I have opted for Seresto collars this year as I got fed up looking for ticks in long fur every day, and still missing some, and my dogs are thankfully ok with Milbemax which given monthly protects against lung worm we have here as well as doing all worms. I found out the Seresto collars could be bought from abroad without prescription at half the cost compared to my vets' (the internet supplier comes up if you google seresto).

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