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went out today - thanks deben ....not

Guest bigredbusa

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Guest bigredbusa

first time out in a while . got 11 but could of taken an easy 20 if numb nuts here netted correctly.


as for the the mk3 collars , what a crock of shit as my jill slipped the collar and we had to dig a hard 5 feet for it



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Guest bigredbusa

nor me really , a foot of it was flint so had to go to the local farm and borrow a spike , apart from the collars being being made from a non-leather load of crap it actually located to the inch so i was happy

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nor me really , a foot of it was flint so had to go to the local farm and borrow a spike , apart from the collars being being made from a non-leather load of crap it actually located to the inch so i was happy


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There is feck all wrong with the mark 3 collars. Just put them on tighter. They are wide so they can go on alot tighter then you think.



i dont agree with that, their useless with small jills as they slip right over their heads, even if their done up to the tightest.

thats my experience anyway.




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on your small jills, what hole do you go down too?

my jill slipped the mark 3 once, its now fastened at the 2nd from last hole, she's fine with it, and never comes off, or try unfolding a paperclip, heating, and making a new hole, in between those already there, put on fert in cage for a couple of hours to see if they still come off, saves digging

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on your small jills, what hole do you go down too?

my jill slipped the mark 3 once, its now fastened at the 2nd from last hole, she's fine with it, and never comes off, or try unfolding a paperclip, heating, and making a new hole, in between those already there, put on fert in cage for a couple of hours to see if they still come off, saves digging

On your small jills what hole do you go down to? steady Stubby ,its Sunday you know!Inan.

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yes another satisfied customer (NOT) after shelling out just short of 200 quid for a box and 2 collars, everything was going well 1 set 3 bunnies 2nd set then it all started to go downhill the rabbits started bolting 2 at a time 1 in the net the other escaped 3 times this happened in the same set, then another 4 rabbits later my little jill showed her face so i boxed her up as the rain started heavy my hob was still underground i picked a positive reading at 5ft under the base of an old oak tree 25 minutes later i finally broke though to a collar no ferret attached by this time i was cold, wet and peed off ,luckily the ferret came to the surface about 10 minutes later so we cut the day short and went home unimpressed with the new and improved mk 3 from deben

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