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Eh Up Me Duck.

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Yam orlroite are kid? I cor do it and I day see it! And I'm a brummy but lived in deepest darkest Black Country for a while and loved it! Best chips in the world! Matt

Foos yer doos /how are you Fit like min /how are you mate Teuchter - rural dweller. Yon teuchter is baaldie-heidit. (The gentleman from the country is experiencing hair-loss) Unca - very. Yi hiv

And this is the posh version. Lol

Foos yer doos /how are you

Fit like min /how are you mate

Teuchter - rural dweller. Yon teuchter is baaldie-heidit. (The gentleman from the country is experiencing hair-loss)

Unca - very. Yi hiv an unca big heid on yi. (Your cranium appears to be abnormally large)

Vratch - annoyance. Yon toonser is a richt vratch. (Unfortunately, the city dweller has been making rather a nuisance of themselves)

Yokey - itchy. Peter's stockin-soles wir yokey. (The socks, which belonged to Peter, caused him great discomfort owing to their tickly nature)

Een - eyes. Ma cowkin made ma een waater. (I retched so violently that the action brought tears to my eyes)

Fit - what. Fit ye like?! (That behaviour is in keeping with your known characteristics)

Heid-bummer - boss. The heid-bummer at ma work looked unca revelt. (My line manager adopted a confused expression)

Ill-tricket - mischievous. At cuddie's affa ill-tricket, at een! (This rascal is renowned for his troublesome behaviour)

Loon - boy. The loon at Kirk Brae has run awa. (The young man, who resides in Kirk Brae, has left the town indefinitely)

Mineer - hullabaloo. He caused a richt mineer fan he bared his airse. (A commotion occurred on account of a fellow exposing his posterior)

Nickum - mischievous child. Gawaaah, yi nickum loon! (Please relocate yourself from this area, delinquent)

Oxter - armpit. Av minky oxter fay ging to T in the Park. (My levels of personal hygiene slipped considerably at Scotland's pre-eminent music festival)

Puddock - frog. Yon's a puddock on that grape! (Lo! Observe the frog atop the large garden fork!)

Quine - girl. Ma quine is affa fine. (I have an exceptional good-looking girlfriend)

Rowie/buttery - savoury bread roll. Far's ma rowie, mither?(I've misplaced my salty baked comestible, mater. Could you assist in its relocation?)

Scunner - to irritate. Come doon fae there, ya scunner. (Your aptitude for climbing is become bothersome, you annoying person)

Allagrugous - awful, terrible. The quine looked so allagrugous a couldnae ging near her. (The girl had adopted a ghastly appearance; I refrained from making her acquaintance)

Beddit - to be in bed. Stop yir footerin aboot or yi'll be beddit. (Kindly refrain from misbehaviour, otherwise you'll be placed in bed)

Cat-sookins - wet, limp hair. Yer quine has cat-sookins. (Your daughterappears to have a most unappealing head of hair upon her exit from the shower)

Drookit - drenched. A wiz trapped under thon brandet and am drookit! (Alas, I found myself caught under a drain cover and I'm subsequently soaked to the skin)

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