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Level 2 Award, In The Safe Use Of Aluminium Phosphide

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A farmer told me recently, that he just completed the 'updated', 'aluminium phosphide' for vertebrate pest control, course,....well, i was a bit surprised,...seeing that he said hes been out about £400, for it !,...lol He then proceeded to tell a load of 'facts' , he learned,...(stuff i already knew,..but i let him tell me again, out of courtesy ? lol) Then he asks me "how much do i charge , per mole ?",...well, i said.... "£10"(for starters, lol),......"but whos gonna pay you say, £1000, if they have a hundred moles, or so ?",...he says ? lol,......So,.....he then goes on too tell me that hes been informed, that the going rate is " £3 to 4 " a mole !,(using that, pricing method)......whereas, if he goes round applying the "gas" (for a customer), its "£18 per hour, plus the cost of the flasks" ?,...........& he states that he can cover, "alot of ground, with the stuff, in an hour" ?,......lol,...............So, is that what they are telling people now, on these courses, £3 to 4, a mole, for trapping ?,......ffs

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There's nothing worse than listening to some cnut who's never done any gassing of any type before but then has done a phostoxin course....as they lecture you on moles and safe use of gass.


I genuinely wonder how iv survived all these years without their superior knowledge.

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There's nothing worse than listening to some cnut who's never done any gassing of any type before but then has done a phostoxin course....as they lecture you on moles and safe use of gass.


I genuinely wonder how iv survived all these years without their superior knowledge.

LOL,....aye, thing is, he asked me about the 'traps', a few years ago,...said he will "need too learn",....lol,...& i think he , & one or two other relatives,connected to the farm, have had a go with the 'traps',....but obviously, havent 'got on' , with them ?...... I pass the place regular in the car,& you can see from the road, that theres still plenty of 'mole activity', on the parts, that have been, 'treated' ? lol He did 'concede' however, that a 'follow up, application', will be required !,...ha ha ( i should have told him, that it is likely, that he will have MORE than one 'follow up, treatment', too undertake !!)

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