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Butterfly Fisherman

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I start to think about threading line through eyes about the same time as the butterflies make an appearance, its coming!


But not many days pass, without me stretching my legs on the bank.



See about banking a few of these soon..


Edited by Columbo
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Wouldnt mind trying a fly fishing tactic on these fish, heard that deer fur can make a realistic dog biscuit? gonna cut all the foliage on the dam wall when I get an afternoon spare. Might be a bit too easy, or maybe just target the bigger fish.

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Wouldnt mind trying a fly fishing tactic on these fish, heard that deer fur can make a realistic dog biscuit? gonna cut all the foliage on the dam wall when I get an afternoon spare. Might be a bit too easy, or maybe just target the bigger fish.

I had a shot at that in the states, used white dyed deer hair, spun it on and then cut it to the shape of a cube (roughly) died the top with pantone pen and it looked like a crust....worked well on the carp over there, havnt tried it here yet.....

Just use a fly rod and glue a dog biscuit to a wee wide gap, that'll do you.....

Good fun on a fly rod.....


This year I want a bass or a mackerel on the fly.......thats my aim....

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The last time I fished for carp I was sick as a dog that I left the fly gear at home. Everyone else was struggling with their hair rigs etc. and I was getting 4 and 5 pound carp of the surface with floating crust using a bubble float to get the bait out, the way I used to fish for Rudd when I was a kid fishing local quarries.

Deer hair clipped into the shape of a dog biscuit or I'm also told a bit of white Marabou on a floating line allowed to sink slowly looks like a bit of breadflake are ,I'm told, good flies.

I was talking to a lad one day on a local reservoir and he reckons while fishing a competition in England somewhere he was on a damn between two reservoir's and while casting for a trout a carp took his backcast on the other reservoir. He said it was a 25 pounder that took 2 hours to land.

Sounds like fun..............if true.

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Ive been mesmerised by surface feeding carp since I was a kid of about 7 or 8, I grew up near some clay brick pits and remeber sitting on a very high clay cliff plinking around with my Diana mod.2. Looking down at the patrolling hungry carp. Not far away I used to fish a gravel pit, where I caught my first ever carp as it happens. I used to climb the trees to spot the carp, remember 2 or 3 lads with all the gear of the time sitting back in their bedchairs while I was feeding the carp with crust. Get a lot of pleasure watching them feed, but cant think of anything to beat the anticipation when you see those lips followed by the big swirl and tightening line!


Any ideas on what description of rod and line to try (fly tackle).

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IMO it would depend on the size of carp you expect to hook. On the lake where I last carp fished a 6/7 wt would be fine as there's only a couple of 20s and most are in the 4 to 6 lb bracket but if doubles are a reality I'd use one of the 9 wts that the Pike fly fishers use nowadays.

I'd say a 10 lb carp on a fly would be up there with the best. Some day.

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for me sightcasting at surface or sub surface fish no matter what they are is highly addictive and very rewarding ,had a good few carp on fly rod years back on a variety of baits but having one take a floating daddy longlegs is special, good luck on your quest :thumbs:

Edited by green lurchers
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