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Back From The Dead..

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Well today I took my old Canon 350d along with me,it was the 1st DSLR I bought,It still feels the best in my hand out of the 4 I have,I just chucked an "old" Sigma 70-210mm lens on & off we went,you can buy these now off eBay for £50 lol,I will be taking the old camera with me more often, I've dropped it umpteen times,fell with it in streams etc,smashed the rear screen,had it waterlogged 4/5 times but it always makes a comeback lol..just because they ain't so popular these days don't mean they are shite,you get plenty of camera for very little money,I think these pics are grand for forums etc? Think its 8mp but to me anyways it means nowt as I just have cheapo lenses & ain't wanting to enlarge them to poster size lol..Boots is a fair unit when you see him next to Mario isn't he :-)




















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Well today I took my old Canon 350d along with me,it was the 1st DSLR I bought,It still feels the best in my hand out of the 4 I have,I just chucked an "old" Sigma 70-210mm lens on & off we went,y

Were I still bang into my lamping bud I'd not look past the old crew I kept,these desert dawgs truthfully would die with a fraction of the workload or at least the big black & tan dog would the ot

I took this pic yesterday with a different camera lol but it's just to show the size of Mario compared to Don & then back to the top pic of Boots compared to Mario..    

I took this pic yesterday with a different camera lol but it's just to show the size of Mario compared to Don & then back to the top pic of Boots compared to Mario..




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the 4th from bottom picture is stunning mate great form to that mutt. they look as though they can move when needed.


without opening a can of worms buddy how do you find the desert dogs compared to your minishaw line? I know they are totally different animals and its horses for courses and all that but I mean how do they perform for YOUR personal needs, as I know there was a fair bit of game put horizontal by you currs so just wandering how these measured up?



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the 4th from bottom picture is stunning mate great form to that mutt. they look as though they can move when needed.


without opening a can of worms buddy how do you find the desert dogs compared to your minishaw line? I know they are totally different animals and its horses for courses and all that but I mean how do they perform for YOUR personal needs, as I know there was a fair bit of game put horizontal by you currs so just wandering how these measured up?



Were I still bang into my lamping bud I'd not look past the old crew I kept,these desert dawgs truthfully would die with a fraction of the workload or at least the big black & tan dog would the other still being a pup so I'd be silly saying the same at this stage..I've seen my big desert dog achieve things solo that not even two of my old curs could muster together,I like the desert dogs mate,they are phenomenal hunters,their running style is accustomed to all types of land be it wheat,seeded,plough,heather,fell or forest,don't be fooled into believing they are one trick ponies they are far from it,my old curs were exceptional lamp dogs,they were maybe more one dimensional than the Saluki's but I just lived & breathed lamping,apart from working with the terriers they only ever worked the night shift lol,Don & Swift's sire never EVER caught a single critter in the day yet he was one of the best lamp dogs I & many others witnessed,Don was a jack of all trades type of dog,he's had the big scores lamping,he ferrets great,hunts like a hound,caught ALOT of gear in the day,worked with the terriers etc..I think most lurchers are versatile its just us as their owners who are hoodwinked into thinking they may not cut the ice at certain tasks..I'm happy with my pack just now bud,they ain't superstars infact far from it,the ego I once had has long since gone,I've had good dogs in the past I know that but im just a has been these days or so my lads keep telling me lol..

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the 4th from bottom picture is stunning mate great form to that mutt. they look as though they can move when needed.


without opening a can of worms buddy how do you find the desert dogs compared to your minishaw line? I know they are totally different animals and its horses for courses and all that but I mean how do they perform for YOUR personal needs, as I know there was a fair bit of game put horizontal by you currs so just wandering how these measured up?



Were I still bang into my lamping bud I'd not look past the old crew I kept,these desert dawgs truthfully would die with a fraction of the workload or at least the big black & tan dog would the other still being a pup so I'd be silly saying the same at this stage..I've seen my big desert dog achieve things solo that not even two of my old curs could muster together,I like the desert dogs mate,they are phenomenal hunters,their running style is accustomed to all types of land be it wheat,seeded,plough,heather,fell or forest,don't be fooled into believing they are one trick ponies they are far from it,my old curs were exceptional lamp dogs,they were maybe more one dimensional than the Saluki's but I just lived & breathed lamping,apart from working with the terriers they only ever worked the night shift lol,Don & Swift's sire never EVER caught a single critter in the day yet he was one of the best lamp dogs I & many others witnessed,Don was a jack of all trades type of dog,he's had the big scores lamping,he ferrets great,hunts like a hound,caught ALOT of gear in the day,worked with the terriers etc..I think most lurchers are versatile its just us as their owners who are hoodwinked into thinking they may not cut the ice at certain tasks..I'm happy with my pack just now bud,they ain't superstars infact far from it,the ego I once had has long since gone,I've had good dogs in the past I know that but im just a has been these days or so my lads keep telling me lol


thank you very much mate what an honest guy! goes a long way. saluki types have never been my thing which is unfair as the few I have seen have been poorly bred mutts owned by even poorer "dogmen" . I bet them desert dogs excel at what you do mate and aslong as they are pleasing you.....well its you that's feeding them. Looking forward to your posts of this young pup coming through the ranks. if your ever in wales mate give me a shout id like to see them having a gallop!



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Big boots certainly opened my eyes and I seen a few mutts run over the years nice relaxed hound until its playtime then he a different dog completely atb taffey plus andy puts the miles in to get him the graft

Atb taffey

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Gwalchmai4110 if I can get there by land or boat mate I will go & run my dogs anywhere lol,keep the kettle warm come winter bud I will bring a mutt down for a run..cheers Taff,you've given me & Boots some amazing sport along with getting me involved in some great banter along the way & seeing some cracking pooches putting a shift or two in inc your own Blue,Davy's Nero,Dee's bitch & Gary's mutts,we've put a few to rest for sure,looking forward to this upcoming season should be a ball lol..be nice to get the Ghost in on the action with big Boots too,we've some ammo to go to war with this year,make sure there's enough gear for the squadron to run lol

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realy like the black and tan what a stunning animal,nice pics

Cheers bud,he's a lovely,laid back type of dog,very sensible & obedient,no aggression towards other dogs etc..he's content in his kennel or on the sofa,I've had some great days with the dog,like I said he ain't nothing better than average I don't think but I try my best to put gear in front of him & he tries his best to nail it lol,I'm happy with that & I think he is too,we make a fair & content team between us I'd like to think :-)




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Busting little pack there Andy,


I liked your auld lad Jack, and to say he never caught nothing day well,That dog to me ALWAYS oused daytime deer to me. Right size and looked like he had the speed and gear for them?



Your new young un's a looker

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