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Hi everyone hope maybe someone could help and tell me if this is even possible I am looking at getting a new dog for hunting and what it well be for is when we are game calling or bait hunting is to set with me and act as a early warning when game is coming mostly fox bobcat and coyote read were a guy had a Airdrie x working like that but the part I could not figure out was how he said the dog would let him know if something was coming it would not bark but would look the way it was coming and make a low wining sound does that sound like something dog could learn to do

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Sounds like something they naturally do. Most house dogs alert their owners to people outside the house before the owners are aware of them.

Lots of hog dog guys rig their dogs so they can see the visual cues their dogs give off when they smell the scent of a pig. I can tell when my dogs smell one just by their body language and I've never worked with them in such. Just let them run and catch a few pigs. Release a dog to a few rabbits. After that, it will probably whine when it sees the next one or stare really intensely at it until you unsnap the dog and let it run. It's really something dogs do naturally and not much teaching goes into it. Most of the teaching is breaking them of doing it to none desired game and livestock.

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I think you mean an Airedale type dog. Airedales are super intelligent and can be quite vocal. They are also, in my very limited experience, one of the most versatile (within their physical capabilities) and trainable dogs there are. There are one or two very good American Airedale forums where you could find out more. There are working Airedales in the USA that do work in the way you describe. Traditional Working Airedales is the name of the best forum/board. They are very helpful on there.

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In a similar situation I was ferreting the other day the the dog was watch the holes. When he suddenly turned around and was looking down into a wooded valley after what seemed like an age a hare came cruising along.

The dogs ears were up and he was looking when the hare must have been a hell of a distance away. Not sure if it was his nose or ears that picked it up.

Edited by terryd
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