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I didnt see what went on with that thread Peter and to be honest i dont want to know but what i will say is whatever has gone on between you and Max is nothing to do with me and i am going to ask you

Good riddance. A new low for THL and a fcukin embarressment to the hunting fraternity.

Thl classic.   It's mad how thl can go from that to the alcohol thread where people really do open up about personal problems and are really supportive of each other.

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Does the milk tray man drive a Honda??

I'm not sure lol.

Its a cake the wife made its all cake apart from the Base. And chocolates inside.even the lid is cake.

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so that exitement is over them i missed the ending who did max go off line with me or my cockney mate don't tell me let me guess pmsl

Your a wee tosser mate you need too keep your mouth shut. Slagging the man's family and ridiculing him yet you are too scared to fight him n would rather have folk back you up. Fair enough if you don't want confrontation which is a sensible thing. But dont go goading folk

exactly like max did you mean ? confronted somebody brought their family into then said i don't want a fight lol difference is i am a small fat bloke never had a fight in me life i don't goad people saying i am a big bloke who could do this and that like he does then brings a mans family in to get a reaction but says am a pacifist ffs

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i have no idea max i did not see it end but i do know you treid to humiliate gnash for being a bad father and talking about him not raising his kids well that's not family no ? if anyone is little man syndrome it's you lad telling everyone how big you are and how you could handle most people but your a pacifist pmsl clown

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