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I didnt see what went on with that thread Peter and to be honest i dont want to know but what i will say is whatever has gone on between you and Max is nothing to do with me and i am going to ask you

Good riddance. A new low for THL and a fcukin embarressment to the hunting fraternity.

Thl classic.   It's mad how thl can go from that to the alcohol thread where people really do open up about personal problems and are really supportive of each other.

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Thl classic.


It's mad how thl can go from that to the alcohol thread where people really do open up about personal problems and are really supportive of each other.

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I didnt see what went on with that thread Peter and to be honest i dont want to know but what i will say is whatever has gone on between you and Max is nothing to do with me and i am going to ask you not for the first time to stop using my name in your arguments with folk.....round here you have to put your own leg work in you cant ride other peoples names.....not without paying the going rate anyway !.....i know you probably mean well but im a big lad i dont need defending and without mugging you off i hardly think a few football matches and meals makes us mates......i think you and Max are quite similar you seem like ok guys in life but you come on here and become dicks.


But hey f**k it neither of you are a challenge or threat to me so in my experience its often easier to make weak people feel strong so that you dont have to show them how weak they really are......and on that note i,ll respectfully ask the pair of you big tough lads to give it a rest ;)

Edited by gnasher16
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I think there's a couple of things that really shouldn't be done in this life amongst others; Bringing a man's family into it, tailcoating someone's name and owning a Honda vision :laugh:

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I didnt see what went on with that thread Peter and to be honest i dont want to know but what i will say is whatever has gone on between you and Max is nothing to do with me and i am going to ask you not for the first time to stop using my name in your arguments with folk.....round here you have to put your own leg work in you cant ride other peoples names.....not without paying the going rate anyway !.....i know you probably mean well but im a big lad i dont need defending and without mugging you off i hardly think a few football matches and meals makes us mates......i think you and Max are quite similar you seem like ok guys in life but you come on here and become dicks.


But hey f**k it neither of you are a challenge or threat to me so in my experience its often easier to make weak people feel strong so that you dont have to show them how weak they really are......and on that note i,ll respectfully ask the pair of you big tough lads to give it a rest ;)

That was a bit long winded to say " shut the f**k up you pair of tits" but polite none the less Gnasher lol

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