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What Are The Small Wooden Stacks On Moorland

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while driving over moorland I stopped to have a wander can anyone tell me what the small wooden stacks are that are spread about ,Next to the stacks a small square had been cut out of the ground ?? I've got photos but there to large at the moment I will add them later

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Here is another this one is obviously older and the woods rotten , next to each wooden stack is a white market pole and Square cut out and the sod turned upside down .

Can anyone tell me what the poo is above as there is a lot of that around .

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I would say some sort of nature experiment or investigation but I'm not sure. Never seen them around here.

I'd go with this, we got some managed downs on which we used to shoot on and all sorts of studies go on right from field mice, newts and beetles to how much they can get grass to grow if using light bulbs during the night to give them 24hr light.

Seen something similar stacks of trays like that when they were doing a beetle survey, think they leave them like that and after a time collect them up and see what's living in them though could be way off as they always had some silly idea on the go to keep themselves looking busy.

Edited by Paulnix
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Grit trays ?

Now I did see one of these placed on its own with what looked like grit in it ,after googling grouse grit trays I think you've got it home made grit trays ready to be placed about

And the top pic also looks like grit in one which I didn't notice

Edited by budharley
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They are grit trays. The stack is just that, a stack that hasn't been spread about. We didn't use trays, we cut a sod, turned it over and scooped a bit out to hold the grit, the hole then filled with water making a drinking spot aswell.

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Sound like some of the shooting pegs around here for grouse blasting.



Sound like some of the shooting pegs around here for grouse blasting.



Sound like some of the shooting pegs around here for grouse blasting.

That's some statement to make on a hunting/shooting site.

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