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Predator Polymag Pellets.

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To ve honest Rez, I'm usually such a crap shot that I can't tell the difference between a good pellet and a bad pellet   I had almost given up on anything other than good old round nose diablos but,

Best thing to do with them is to take then to a scrap yard and weigh them in and try and recoup some money   Just saying

Same here Rez. For me it's JSB Heavy .177 in my HW100 and FAP .22 in my TX.   I just can't help experimenting and tinkering.   I'm thinking that the Polymags are working well so far because they'r

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Final update folks.......


I shot this group at 58yrds this morning. Again, indoors, prone, off a bipod.


Obviously I'm not worried about the drop at that range, that what my reticle is for. However, the grouping is shite.


......Well, that's another tin destined for the forgotten corner at the bottom of the box.


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All very interesting indeed, they would be fine for me at the 40yard mark, as I have a self imposed 40 yard limit with an air rifle, I did try them a while ago in a .22 850 air magnum I converted to hpa, they were accurate in that and I shot a couple of squirrels, that just dropped stone dead from the tree tops, so they certainly work, I would encourage you to try some H&N Baraccuda hunter extreme, the ones with the wierd Phillips screw cross in the front, they were incredibly accurate, and deadly in my old .177 hw 77, there is a vid on youtube with a guy trying them against rabbit skulls, in a hw 100, he seems rather impressed :thumbs: give them a try.

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  On 06/05/2016 at 09:02, charlie caller said:

All very interesting indeed, they would be fine for me at the 40yard mark, as I have a self imposed 40 yard limit with an air rifle, I did try them a while ago in a .22 850 air magnum I converted to hpa, they were accurate in that and I shot a couple of squirrels, that just dropped stone dead from the tree tops, so they certainly work, I would encourage you to try some H&N Baraccuda hunter extreme, the ones with the wierd Phillips screw cross in the front, they were incredibly accurate, and deadly in my old .177 hw 77, there is a vid on youtube with a guy trying them against rabbit skulls, in a hw 100, he seems rather impressed :thumbs: give them a try.

Cheers Charlie.


Alrhough the Polymags were accurate for me up to 40yrds, I have pretty much written them off now because they won't hold their accuracy further out.

I never take hunting shots at silly distances but, I do like the reassurance that a pellet will stay accurate past where I need it to be. I know that may sound daft.


Good shout on the Baracuda Hunter Extreme.

I tested these a while ago in .177, .22 & .25 - all sub 12.

For me, the .177 did well to 50yrds and had good stopping power at around 35yrd.

The .22 (in a Tx) and the .25 (in a Matardor) were both good between 35 & 40yrds. They came apart a bit after that so, I never used them on live quarry.


I do firmly believe that you just can't beat a decent lead round nose diablo. It won't stop me buggering about and testing though :)

Edited by Jonjon79
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Oh I agree mate, its half the fun, plinking and testing different stuff, never tried the hunter extreme in .22 but in my old 77 they were bloody lethal out to 40 yards, shame none of my past few rifles liked em, but going to give them a go in my newly aquired .177 tx 200 hc, see if it will shoot them.

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