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Corns In Dogs Feet

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If it is a true deep seated corn then it is a bigger problem. If it is a wart (white papilloma) it can be squeezed out. It is painful for the dog and you will need a muzzle. It is a bit like squeezing a big zit. Squeeze until it bleeds then squeeze some more to get the core out. Then apply some iodine spray twice a day for a week. If it comes back it means you did not get the core out. Try and get it right the first time as your poor hound will know what is coming second time around.


Swill your pen out with disinfectant or bleach as it is a virus and could spread to other dogs. Warts are most common in younger dogs.


I have no experience of the deep seated callous type corn.

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Must admit it is not for the faint hearted. You need someone to hold the muzzled dog, go in hard and firm without hesitation. Don't fanny about get it done quickly. Should take about 30 seconds to complete the job. It won't be the most pleasant 30 seconds for your dog but it will save you a vet bill.


If you know a decent greyhound trainer they will more than likely show you how to do it.


I must have done 20 -30 and you can almost see the relief on the dogs face once it is rid of the wart (and rid of the person squashing it out).


They often reoccur on different toes over a period of a few months.

Edited by toblue
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Banna skins ...try it first can draw out but not 100% cure but known to ease pain and can be effective against corns and warts in some cases...corns can be a pain to many a good running dog...do u do more road work than anything else or running beach alot sand can be like sand paper I only can go on others dogs training I find dogs with thinner pads are more prone as guys that have had them are over doing it on road work or lure machine on hard sand resulting in thinner pads

Edited by MR RABBIT
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Hi just seen this, my friends dog had his done by the vet I use, I'm in Devon she got them sorted in no time, where he had been going to a 'mainstream' vet and they were hopeless! PM me for details if you like and I'll put you in touch with her, she is fantastic!

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