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Fox Caller help PLEASE!!!

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I give in...I've never had and never used a fox caller...I have always simply made appropriate noises which have often worked...BUT...


I've just got in...been out since 3.00pm..


Saw 2 rabbits, couldn't get a shot off, saw 11 pheasants, 10 cocks and just 1 hen, not taking them on this site, no deer, and NO f*****g Charlie. I am absolutely soaked and freezing with the driving wind and rain (God knows why I went out but it was ok at 3.00), just finished drying the gun and I'm still shaking.... and the rain is pounding on the window as I write this.


Point is, I was so cold and wet, it was so windy and horid (I know Charlie wasn't stupid like me he was tucked up warm and dry somewhere) that the feeble noises I could get out of my mouth were simply not carrying any distance.


So suggestions please for a CHEAP, Small, carry it easily in my pocket foxcaller, that I can blow, AND WORKS (not some hi tec lump of electrics and batteries costing a fortune)!


I simply don't know where to start but after all these years I think its about time I gave in to a little bit of low tec help.


Suggestions and comments on foxcallers that fit the above requirements, that you have used (do use) would be very much appreciated.


Many thanks





I downloaded a rabbit distress call from this site then loaded it onto my mobile phone & it works great for getting charlie in its worth a try Rabbit ditress call :thumbs::thumbs:

i done the same as you they work quite well try getting the actual fox noices as well give them a try!

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hi the best caller is a peace of glass and eroboard



Call me stupid (you would not be the first) but what is this and how does it work (eroboard?? and what sort of/size of glass??).


Can you use small words so I can follow please.





Edited by Deker
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I give in...I've never had and never used a fox caller...I have always simply made appropriate noises which have often worked...BUT...


I've just got in...been out since 3.00pm..


Saw 2 rabbits, couldn't get a shot off, saw 11 pheasants, 10 cocks and just 1 hen, not taking them on this site, no deer, and NO f*****g Charlie. I am absolutely soaked and freezing with the driving wind and rain (God knows why I went out but it was ok at 3.00), just finished drying the gun and I'm still shaking.... and the rain is pounding on the window as I write this.


Point is, I was so cold and wet, it was so windy and horid (I know Charlie wasn't stupid like me he was tucked up warm and dry somewhere) that the feeble noises I could get out of my mouth were simply not carrying any distance.


So suggestions please for a CHEAP, Small, carry it easily in my pocket foxcaller, that I can blow, AND WORKS (not some hi tec lump of electrics and batteries costing a fortune)!


I simply don't know where to start but after all these years I think its about time I gave in to a little bit of low tec help.


Suggestions and comments on foxcallers that fit the above requirements, that you have used (do use) would be very much appreciated.


Many thanks



have a look on www.bushwear.co.uk and primos fox callers

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hi the best caller is a peace of glass and eroboard



Call me stupid (you would not be the first) but what is this and how does it work (eroboard?? and what sort of/size of glass??).


Can you use small words so I can follow please.





polystyrene on the car window or lamp glass

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Guest JohnGalway

Where did you get yours from cos I looked at your other thread earlier and put into google and one was $23 and another was $6.75


I honestly can't remember, I do pick things up here and there, in gunshops and online. Just make sure it's the Cottontail and not the Jackrabbit (which will be a LOT coarser but MAY also work, I've not tried it). Buy it where it's cheapest ;)

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I give in...I've never had and never used a fox caller...I have always simply made appropriate noises which have often worked...BUT...


I've just got in...been out since 3.00pm..


Saw 2 rabbits, couldn't get a shot off, saw 11 pheasants, 10 cocks and just 1 hen, not taking them on this site, no deer, and NO f*****g Charlie. I am absolutely soaked and freezing with the driving wind and rain (God knows why I went out but it was ok at 3.00), just finished drying the gun and I'm still shaking.... and the rain is pounding on the window as I write this.


Point is, I was so cold and wet, it was so windy and horid (I know Charlie wasn't stupid like me he was tucked up warm and dry somewhere) that the feeble noises I could get out of my mouth were simply not carrying any distance.


So suggestions please for a CHEAP, Small, carry it easily in my pocket foxcaller, that I can blow, AND WORKS (not some hi tec lump of electrics and batteries costing a fortune)!


I simply don't know where to start but after all these years I think its about time I gave in to a little bit of low tec help.


Suggestions and comments on foxcallers that fit the above requirements, that you have used (do use) would be very much appreciated.


Many thanks



Once again, E bay for about 4 quid delivered

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vermin dropper was selling them..........the only other one i've had fantastic results with is the brass one with a hole in it but its not loud, just very good


do not buy the acme........such hard work and if you don't give it everything you sound like a duck



I bought one of the brass ones off ebay, first time out had it in my pocket with some other stuff as you do and the fecker was sqwashed it did not work, it is far to flimsy it needs its own case. So I never got to know if it worked or not.

you shouldnt carry it in your pocket put in on a lanyard and hang it around your neck

stu 8)



he is right ive had mine a year or so now and its fine still. i allways put it round my neck that way its easy to get to then as well :)

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