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Myxy And Foxs.

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Pre myxy most farms and estates had full time rabbit catchers,which used gin traps by the million which would of kept the fox levels very low.the fox will eat such a variety of food from beetles fruit

They will have to pack their bags and move to town. Seriously though, any wild animal will find their own population levels depending on the food available. There is no such thing as a stable populati

The whole reason the red fox thrived in Australia and became such a pest was because he found the slow moving Marsupials easy to catch, that and some flightless species of bird. When the rabbit was in

There's plenty of fox on the mountain tops in the valleys.fox shit everywhere.but no rabbits to be seen at all.

It's Heather.white grass type of ground.

the kids love burning it comes the summer time.and before the new green shoots appear Ive walked the land and it's covered with vole balls.every 15ft there will be a voles den.or what ever they are called.

Field Voles can have three to six litters a year, of up to seven young each.so plenty for fox to go at.i found a fresh wet vole last week outside a fox earth it must of dropped it as I was making my way there is think.

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I'd gladly go back to the rabbit days mate .Total eradication here in most places .

Same here sadly.


RVHD is changing our countryside rapidly and it will change it further and will change hunting along with it.


Timmyk is dead right, you boys that still have strong rabbit populations should be careful what you wish for...

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foxes will survive without rabbits thats a fact i have several places that hold no rabbits and the nearest rabbits i have found are atleast 3 miles away but this place holds plenty of foxes also went to a place last year on an estate keepers shoot snare and trap every rabbit they see but as from a post i put up last year we had 12 foxes over the weekend there so foxes will thrive without bunnies as there is plenty of other prey about

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I'd gladly go back to the rabbit days mate .Total eradication here in most places .

Same here sadly.

RVHD is changing our countryside rapidly and it will change it further and will change hunting along with it.

Timmyk is dead right, you boys that still have strong rabbit populations should be careful what you wish for...

It's ok wishing for a lot of rabbits , but when you have farmers on ur case to control them , and heather regeration projects going on costing 10s of thousands of pounds on the moorland fringe with servere rabbit damage, sheep have been removed from over grazing and it's the rabbits doing the damage!even when mixy hits us hard there's at lot of rabbits here, 3 estates over from us killed 17000 rabbits in the first year of a new Keepering team, and to drive over that moor now there's still a lot of rabbits

17000 that's some amount of rabbits.
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A lot of lads I know shoots 48 rabbits but rounds the number up to 50 if they shoots 39 it's 40 do that every time you go out when you get upto 17,000 you'll be a few short of that I'm not referring to your post 5 feet down don't be like that you know I like you a lot ill have to call up are you still living in the top flat next door to pablo

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I'd gladly go back to the rabbit days mate .Total eradication here in most places .

people should be dropping rabbits of 6here 9 there that sort of thing.

all i see is the english lads ferreting and necking rabbits,ive never seen this over here anybody i know all keep um live.

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A lot of lads I know shoots 48 rabbits but rounds the number up to 50 if they shoots 39 it's 40 do that every time you go out when you get upto 17,000 you'll be a few short of that I'm not referring to your post 5 feet down don't be like that you know I like you a lot ill have to call up are you still living in the top flat next door to pablo



No in the country side! Somewhere you've probably never been


Ignore the fool.

Que the name calling.

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