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Well Knock Me Down With A Feather.

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I don't like the way all these alternative lifestyles are promoted as normal these days, its obviously not normal, but if you're born that way its not something you've asked for is it.


Normal's a funny term anyway............If you want scientific/ unbiased data have a read of the "Kinsey report" some very interesting stuff :laugh:

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It's disgraceful I mean who the f*ck goes to McDonalds these days    

The scary thing is you just can't tell with some of them

He just wants to Eat Drink & Be Mary!! Sorry Susan. Could be worse he could've converted to Islam then he'd have to wear a long black dress & face mask!!!

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One mans normal is anothers abnormality,if we were all the same what a sterile world it would be,we need people who are a little different to add colour,though theres a trannie in hersham with a 5 O'clock shadow wears a dress and high heels who aint fooling anyone.

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Well It had to happen, came face to face with him yesterday. To be honest I was embarrassed, more so that he had his wife with him. She is the innocent victim in this saga. Since he came out on face book she has been receiving negative comments on her page, re; why are you still with him and even more personal stuff about their sex life or lack of it as the case may be? I really feel for her and his kids, him, he needs a bullet to the head.


Sorry, but I just cannot get my head around how someone could hurt his own family in such a way, just for his own gratification? If he has always felt like this as he claims then why get married? I have known them since before they married (they called in the same pub) even then you could sense there was something wrong with him, a right oddball, yet she seemed a level headed sort of girl.



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