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Cremating Dogs

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I see a lot of folks having this done now days.a frends just had his done. .nothing really agence it but the dogs me and my dad have had over the years have all been put in the back yard ..same as all the other animals we have had over the years...hallways a sad time diggin that hole.I always wonder if when a dogs cremated do we get a mixed ash or is it deventy all just the one dogs Asher's?.

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Last walk up the field for me,,,get the dog intrested in something,,,then it's all over....   I had an old hob ferret two year back,,,he was 8 ,,home bred,,he had a tumer,,,took him out ,,put him in

they lived to go to ground then that's where they rest,the wife has had a few cats,dog that's she's had cremated ,not for me,I dig 6ft for them one last time,the least I can do for them,not ashamed to

We had the two old ones put down just after Christmas , the old terrier was 17 the old lab 14 , luckily we have a mate who's a vet and she came round home and did them , she new both dogs and they new

Last walk up the field for me,,,get the dog intrested in something,,,then it's all over....


I had an old hob ferret two year back,,,he was 8 ,,home bred,,he had a tumer,,,took him out ,,put him in front of a rabbit burry,,,let him sniff the fresh sent of young rabbit,,,then pulled the trigger,,,buried him in that entrance,,,I walk past it most days....


I remember an episode of all creatures great and small,,,the had to put a horse down,,,it was a hunter,,,the local huntsman came in the yard,,,on horse back with a few hounds and blew his horn,,,the horse pricked his ears and the vet used the humane killer...

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I see a lot of folks having this done now days.a frends just had his done. .nothing really agence it but the dogs me and my dad have had over the years have all been put in the back yard ..same as all the other animals we have had over the years...hallways a sad time diggin that hole.I always wonder if when a dogs cremated do we get a mixed ash or is it deventy all just the one dogs Asher's?.

Who knows. At a guess I'd say they will probably end up part mixed and people would never know.


Never done it with a dog but when one of the wife's cats got killed she insisted on taking it. Cost about 130 and you get the ashes back in a little box. Ashes could've been anything. The pet crematorium was a weird place had a little bed and cushions so people could arrange their dead animals in for a final photo - weird!

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got chatting to a friend a while back about a similar topic and she was friends was a chap that used to collect everything from hamsters to horses and they went in by the van load, not individually ... she said he used to say it cost too much just to set it up for 1 animal, if and when anyone wanted ashes it was a scoop of everything and anything ... you may not even have any of your pet

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I don't know about animals, but I have some experience of working with the deceased, so I can clear one thing up once and for all - humans are cremated, and their ashes containerised, separately - by law. Ashes are still classified as 'human remains', and their treatment and disposal is heavily regulated.

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Once had a husky put to sleep tomo.I wish I had a gun that day.said bitch was scared to death as it was of the vets..took the vet what seem 20 odd times of sticking the needel in to find the vain.heart braking ....never forgot the crying and the look in the eye of the old girl.

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got chatting to a friend a while back about a similar topic and she was friends was a chap that used to collect everything from hamsters to horses and they went in by the van load, not individually ... she said he used to say it cost too much just to set it up for 1 animal, if and when anyone wanted ashes it was a scoop of everything and anything ... you may not even have any of your pet

terrible tbh...I thought as much.
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Last walk up the field for me,,,get the dog intrested in something,,,then it's all over....

I had an old hob ferret two year back,,,he was 8 ,,home bred,,he had a tumer,,,took him out ,,put him in front of a rabbit burry,,,let him sniff the fresh sent of young rabbit,,,then pulled the trigger,,,buried him in that entrance,,,I walk past it most days....

I remember an episode of all creatures great and small,,,the had to put a horse down,,,it was a hunter,,,the local huntsman came in the yard,,,on horse back with a few hounds and blew his horn,,,the horse pricked his ears and the vet used the humane killer...

That's the way I've done mine in the past ... take em to a nice spot dig the hole throw some food down its all over .. I couldn't handle sitting round the vet's .
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I've had a few dogs cremated, mostly beacuse our old garden was so small I didn't want to dig it up when I was gardening.


As for the question - it depends where you take them. Some commercial crems mix and match. If you give them a budgie you get a spoonful of ashes back. If you give them a great dane, you get a couple of scoops but it could be anything.


I went to a place in Surrey a guy had an ancient chimney/incinerator affair in his garden. His were strictly one animal at a time.

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Once had a husky put to sleep tomo.I wish I had a gun that day.said bitch was scared to death as it was of the vets..took the vet what seem 20 odd times of sticking the needel in to find the vain.heart braking ....never forgot the crying and the look in the eye of the old girl.

and us people with guns are supposed to be the cruel b*****ds, years ago I had to deal with kittens the old fashioned way for my gran, never again, gun every time now for all humane killing

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Once had a husky put to sleep tomo.I wish I had a gun that day.said bitch was scared to death as it was of the vets..took the vet what seem 20 odd times of sticking the needel in to find the vain.heart braking ....never forgot the crying and the look in the eye of the old girl.

and us people with guns are supposed to be the cruel b*****ds, years ago I had to deal with kittens the old fashioned way for my gran, never again, gun every time now for all humane killing[/quote as long as your just as good with a long range shot as you are. a close...lol]...

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