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Terror In The Duck Run

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Ok, maybe I exaggerate. I was sat on a chair in the entrance to the duck run and rats were running past my feet. A bit unnerving.


They ignored my pig fat in a pellet tin and the peanut butter pasted around my zero point.

Instead they fed from the Celebrations tub where I put mixed grain, topped up with water for the ducks.


I was zeroed to 15, 25, 35 yards on the mil dot Hawke Nite Eye 6.5 - 20 x 50 AO IR, but these critters were 6 feet away.


I missed my first shot but reloaded and got this one at about 12 feet from my chair.




Air Arms Pro Sport .22 RWS Superfield

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"I was zeroed to 15, 25, 35 yards on the mil dot Hawke Nite Eye 6.5 - 20 x 50 AO IR,"


Magnification and distance always fascinate me, what mag do you use generally, obviously its 6.5 or more even at 15 yards?



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The scope is way too powerful. Usually it is a bunny gun.

Going to get one of those Airmax 2-7x32 that Rez has when the big bills go away.


I have a vintage Weaver 1.5x25 that I will try in the meantime.


The layout of the run is more for the ducks than me shooting rats.

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