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Ultrasonic Bark Limiter

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My neighbours dogs are constantly barking when they are in the garden


A few of us have been round to complain


One resident reported them to the council


Still barking... Nothing has changed..!!



Anyone used the ultrasonic bark limiters that you can buy?

Some you point at the dog...others are fitted in to a little bird box



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Two of mine were barking/growling etc through the wire in different dog runs whilst feeding them,two days with these on they are like lambs!! They get 5 high pitched warning sounds & if they don't stop then they are shocked,I only have to show mine the collar now before feeding & they know to behave or they will be jumping & squealing from being shocked..good bit of kit & will work 100% even on the biggest more aggressive of dogs.

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Its a fu**er when its someone else's dog or dogs. I really think your only action is to keep complaining, hopefully others can back you. I wish it was as simple as pointing something at them and zapping them until they stop. I know what I would like to point at them cause they will do your head in eventually. Best of luck mate

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2 doors up from me has a spaniel that barks all day.every few seconds it's Barking.

It's throat must be sore as feck.

But I wouldn't report it to the council as I'd feel like a grass.

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2 doors up from me has a spaniel that barks all day.every few seconds it's Barking.

It's throat must be sore as feck.

But I wouldn't report it to the council as I'd feel like a grass.

made me laugh that lol

I don't think I would grass either but I'd suggest a few things to said owner first

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I feel sorry for you king it is a real nightmare and unfortunately you can't switch off it is a constant form of mental abuse!!

Used to it now mate to be honest.


2 doors up from me has a spaniel that barks all day.every few seconds it's Barking.

It's throat must be sore as feck.

But I wouldn't report it to the council as I'd feel like a grass.

made me laugh that lol

I don't think I would grass either but I'd suggest a few things to said owner first

The lad who owns the dog is in work all day.thats when the dogs barks when he comes home it's silent.his wife won't do nothing to stop it Barking in the day.

He works the dog with a gun.and does a bit of fishing.so fair play to him it's not as if he's a lazy do nothing type.

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My neighbour has two collies that bark all day and night. I bought one of those ultrasonic ones. I should've wired it to the mains because although they didn't like it, it didn't stop them and the batteries kept running flat


Tried Environmental Health too. They did send a man up but they decided not to take action.


Incredibly, you do get used to them. A bit like a whining fridge, bugs the hell out of you but then it you don't notice it.


I would've gone round and beaten them to a bloody pulp in the first few weeks though.

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Can get one in B and M bargins for few quid. .


I put one in my run and stopped the offendeding bitch from barking..


Doubt the range would be good enough for a neighbours dog..


I felt a bit sorry for mine. It was around fire works time and they were being let off night and day.. So that's why she was having a twitter or two.. It seemed to work instantly. .

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  • 2 weeks later...


Two of mine were barking/growling etc through the wire in different dog runs whilst feeding them,two days with these on they are like lambs!! They get 5 high pitched warning sounds & if they don't stop then they are shocked,I only have to show mine the collar now before feeding & they know to behave or they will be jumping & squealing from being shocked..good bit of kit & will work 100% even on the biggest more aggressive of dogs.
do these only effect the offending dog or will they zap if another dog barks close by? I find with mine that when one starts they all start! So if I put one on one, it might get a zap if another barks or put one on all and they all get a zap when one barks? How do they work?
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A man I know had this problem, dog next door constantly barking day and night, made his life hell, but he said he got it sorted, I asked him what did he do, he said he bought the dog and tied it in his own garden and said lets see how they like it.

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