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Tackle Room

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Im in the process of turning our smallest bedroom into a tackle room,my garage at end of garden is to vulnerable to thieves,so intend to keep rods, reels ,alarms,small tackle indoors,just struggling to think of a way to store/display my rods,rather than just keep in a holdall propped up in the corner,id like some sort of rack/stand to accommodate 6 rods and a couple of barbel rods ,not put together but made up ,in half .

Has anyone got any ideas ,or made anything similar?

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Maybe utilise some coat racks flipped on their side to use for rod storage so you can display them.


To be honest I don't see the point as you'll only have to dismantle them and put them in rod tubes anyway. My fly rods are in rod tubes leaned up against the wall with my little carry bag next to them and my fly vest is hung up in the downstairs lav on the same hook as my waders meaning I can grab them at a moments notice and be off out the door before anyone else gets involved ;) Also have a small box of "go to flies" in the car so I can grab just rods, reel and vest and be off out in 5mins. I can be thought to be popping upstairs and be out the door kitted up before anyone can say anything to me - "Back in a bit, and by 'a bit' I mean a few hours! I've got my keys! Bye!"

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I'll presume you're not married. Keep nets and landing nets stinking and the sudden appearance of blue bottles would make a lot of women move out, or throw you out, LOL.

I presume you don't wash your nets out after use then.Only use a scoop net.

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Neil, I am married so nets,unhooking mat,bivvy will be staying in the garage!Shes tolerant ,but not that tolerant! lol

AHH, I was beginning to think some lucky bugger had found the ultimate woman, LOL.

Let us know the first time you pick up a bait box, gave it a shake and opened the lid. Let's face it ,it's happened us all ,LOL.

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NC. Simple is generally best. Dowel can be bought from most diy and hardware places. All you rally need are a couple of small plaques making with the dowel in the centre , sticking out about 50/60 mm, one for in front of the butt/reel and the other towards the tip. No room required and relatively no cost or effort.

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NC. Simple is generally best. Dowel can be bought from most diy and hardware places. All you rally need are a couple of small plaques making with the dowel in the centre , sticking out about 50/60 mm, one for in front of the butt/reel and the other towards the tip. No room required and relatively no cost or effort.

i agree, something be made for peanuts
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Im in the process of turning our smallest bedroom into a tackle room,my garage at end of garden is to vulnerable to thieves,so intend to keep rods, reels ,alarms,small tackle indoors,just struggling to think of a way to store/display my rods,rather than just keep in a holdall propped up in the corner,id like some sort of rack/stand to accommodate 6 rods and a couple of barbel rods ,not put together but made up ,in half .

Has anyone got any ideas ,or made anything similar?

to be honest, there are quite a few different ways you could do this with a small bit of imagination, you could use 2 pieces of 2x1 x 24" with a series of angled holes and glue a dowel in each one of about 2" long, fix them vertically on the wall and keep them 3ft apart to take your rods horizontally, also, you know them clips you have in the shed that are used to hold a rake,broom, etc to keep them in the upright position, you could always spread them along a piece of 2x1 and fix that to the wall horizontally and keep the butts on the floor, there's no wrong/right way, the choice is yours at the end of the day, just keep it simple ;)

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Cheers for all replies,ive since managed to find quite a few good ideas online,think ill be going down the lines of an ali stand from a marine supplies shop,aimed at sea anglers i guess but reckon it will be fit for purpose!if i had the brains id put a link up as it might appeal to others!

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