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Pianomans Stock Referb

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WELL....   Jimmy BigMac97KT and Nicola have just left us this morning to get home to Newcastle for a family function. It's been an absolute honour and a pleasure to have them stay with us. We had a

That's looking amazing now Jimmy. Just as I like a stock to be. Not too light, but not too dark with rich browns in the tones. Lovely! To be honest, I think this may turn out better than the stock wa

Back safe and sound Simon ,We had a good time mate and looking forward to getting back down and getting on one of your perms just a pity the weather was not good this time .   Lads he calls me a gen

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It was a beautiful looking rifle when it was just out the box new Gentlemen. It came from Guns International at Barnsley. A great shop and a fine fella and gunsmith who ran it, if anyone remembers Karl and his staff there? It's now closed and gone when Karl took retirement about ten years ago.


He loved this rifle; and often told me, this particular HW80 was probably the best example he'd ever come upon. He originally tuned and serviced it and was always staggered by how accurate the rifle was proving on his test range. A 23 ft/lb recoiling break barrel spring rifle as accurate as a top-drawer PCP that can group its shots into 5p piece at 30 metres. He used to look at it with astonishment when he handed it over after working on it.


As you can see, 18 years of brilliant shooting in winds, rain, hail, sun, snow and blow, has taken a toll on her finish. The metalwork is still pristine condition with its original blueing and not a spec of rust. I always took it out of the stock after a wet day out and dried it off thoroughly before an oil rag wipe over and re-assemble.


After what will be beautiful handiwork from Jimmy here, it's no longer going out in the elements as before. It's a semi-retirement to dusk and dawn hunting in warmer dry weather only from here on for it.


The most powerful air rifle I've ever owned and an incredible accuracy to match. It is indeed a very much well-loved, cherished rifle and will never be for sale Ever!. No amount of cash will get me to part with it.


There's going to be a shooting weekend with Jimmy when he brings his finished handiwork down to reunite the stock with the action and some pics of the rifle doing what it's designed for. Putting vermin down fast before they know what hit them!. . :thumbs::yes:


Take all the time you want Jimmy :thumbs:


Best regards to all Gentlemen.


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Well Simon iv started it put the nitro mors on her and started to strip her old finish off


once all of this was taken off i gave her a soapy bath to get rid of any nitro that was left then put her in another bath with just water no soap suds jut to make sure all the nitro was gone


once she is dry ill start the sanding down of the parts that had deep scratches and nicks


then start the long prose's of smoothing her out with the 800grit wet and dry then the 600grit in between rub downs she will be wiped down with a lint free cloth with a little white spirits on to get rid of any dust


lads let me tell you this stock is one of the nicest beech stocks iv seen and iv seen a few i can tell you


its got some cracking markings on her and some belter grain running through her


If this was my rifle i would not stain it i would just true oil her its that nice .


Im only going to give her one or two coats of stain to see how she looks as i want to keep all the grain and markings on show















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  On 11/04/2016 at 14:53, king said:

Come on then Mac I can see you reading the thread lol.get it stripped man lol

Is this stripped enough for you lol :laugh:


she is still drying out mind :yes::thumbs:


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:








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