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R I P Howard Marks

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  On 12/04/2016 at 15:31, tillylamp said:

iv'e got mates who smoke the weed, and they have been on it for years, now, when you are talking to them, or ask them something, they have got this vague look on there face, like the lights are on, but know ones at home kinda look, with a long pause between answering, which looks a bit funny actually, and another big thing they all have in common is, they are all, so paranoid about things, paranoid to the sense of nothing really,

Same.....i find people on that stuff draining they just seem to suck all the zest out of you they are liabilities i cant be doing with them.

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I can't understand the fascination over a drug smuggler ... I wonder how many young lives the shit he smuggled ruined ... He is potraied as some sort of celebrity when in truth he was a low life crim

Yeah all those lives ruined by a bit of hash :laugh:   Gutted to hear he's passed, a real legend and by all accounts a stand up bloke.   RIP Howard I'm off to spark one for you

If a man needs to earn money from writing books about his crimes then he probably wasnt a very succesful criminal.

  On 12/04/2016 at 17:54, The Seeker said:

Everyone should get stoned at least once in their life just like everyone needs to get drunk at least once, but to carry it on and on well, that's just a mugs game IMO

I tried it once years ago and just spent the next 24 hours asleep :icon_redface: ......i like to think its because my impeccable highly tuned physique couldnt cope with it.....but its probably more likely im just a bit of a girl around drink/drugs :D

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Well, this is a highly debated subject.


I have tried it, I can easily live my life without it, it just slowed me down to the point I felt useless and not in control.


I run my own company, I need to be sharp every second of every day, weed ain't no good for me, it may suit some but not me.


As part of my company, I often hire in new labour, you should see some of the wasters that apply, pot heads, I can see them a mile off, last one didn't even know the difference between a cup of coffee and a cup of tea when he was given one, forgot things in seconds, the lights were certainly out for him even though someone was at home !


I have a very good mate, he used to work for me, he was mustard at labouring, he smoked weed, always said he needed it to stop bouncing off the walls as he would be hyper, well he went off for two years worki away, come back, I really noticed the difference, how much slower he was, how he forgot a lot of things I told him, how his mind had slowed and body had followed, he really has gone downhill, turns out he smokes more than he did, and the last two years were spent with pot heads, chuffing at work every opportunity, chuffing all night every night, it's ruined him.

I know another guy who was bright at school, a smart lad, he shone at school he was proper clever, he got into weed and drink after school, left the drink alone after maybe 5-6 years, carried on with weed, his brain is fried, he though it was a good idea to run down the street naked when he got a job on the dustbin lorries, sure it's all a laugh and giggle, but these people are brain fried, I have seen them get gradually worse over the last 20 years, they are basically wasters now !


I am with Kay on this, it's no good for the grey matter, too many blank expressions and soulless eyes, life is my drug, along with coffee and tobacco, I ain't an angel, but I know the fags will eventually do me in, but right now, I am running two successful businesses and life is constantly getting better, I look at the pot heads, they are nice people, I like them as friends, but they will never be any good in life or do anything with themselves, I am not anti weed, but I have seen firsthand the damage it does in the long term.

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  On 12/04/2016 at 10:02, kanny said:


  On 12/04/2016 at 07:58, fireman said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 22:17, Kay said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 22:13, kanny said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 22:06, Kay said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 21:15, gnasher16 said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 19:36, Kay said:

Everyone I know who has smoked the stuff habitually for the past few decades have a vacant look about them... its almost as if the fires no longer in there eyes ..


Have never smoked anything or taken drugs ... its just not my thing ... I am to much of a control freak to allow some substance or other alter my mind or my body ... f**k that :laugh:


Each to there own ... its just not my thing

Couldnt agree more.....its not for me but i dont really have a problem with it each to their own and all that......but i couldnt have such people around me as a regular thing i want to be around folk who are on the ball not with that disengaged void look about them.
I work with a lad who claims he uses the stuff every time he has roll up & he is a lovely lad but he stinks of the stuff & everything about him is almost in slow motion... his speech ... his movements the lot ...I think I am just an old fashioned gal .... I just dont get it


If I was in to drugs I would want summat to give me an edge make me sharp as a tack .... not turn me into a sloath like being :laugh:

That's exactly what I mean everybody is different ...I'm very errrm energetic, frantic naturally i dont need uppers or like them its nice to come down an chill and give myself a break from myself :laugh:
I have worked with this lad 10 years & he does everything at a snails pace ... I cant think he has a rush in him :laugh: ... out of interest is this stuff habit forming like tobacco ?
Personaly i found it a feck lot easier to give up herion than to stop smoking weed and if anyone says it's non addictive then there full of shite..
Did you replace heroin with weed.. Addicts tend to replace one addiction with another..there's often a addictive personality at the bottom of it all...you have my upmost respect for kicking the smak.. I've lost good friends to that shit.


No mate i smoked dope before i did that shit and while on that shit one habit was enough to support,been totaly clean now over a dozen years and have a good misses for over 10 years,kids and relationships with kids i didn't see for years due to it,birds (feathered ones),dogs and a good bit of permission to keep me honest :D and that past life is a long way gone these days :thumbs: .I just found giving up weed harder on the head than gear was but then to REALLY REALLY want to give up gear you really are at rock bottom and sick of the shit life it brings and with weed it's a more casual habitual habit than a needed one so it played on my mind more,that cup of tea and doobie at the end of the day is something i do sort of miss where as the thought of a hit of smack these days :bad: .

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  On 11/04/2016 at 07:23, socks said:

I can't understand the fascination over a drug smuggler ... I wonder how many young lives the shit he smuggled ruined ... He is potraied as some sort of celebrity when in truth he was a low life criminal that supplied drugs into this country ......

Come on socks his much different is that to the people behind the tobaco trade the alcohol producers to call someone a lowlife supplying what people want isn't right smoking and alcohol kill more people than drugs and that is legal

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  On 12/04/2016 at 20:23, CushtyJook said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 07:23, socks said:

I can't understand the fascination over a drug smuggler ... I wonder how many young lives the shit he smuggled ruined ... He is potraied as some sort of celebrity when in truth he was a low life criminal that supplied drugs into this country ......

Come on socks his much different is that to the people behind the tobaco trade the alcohol producers to call someone a lowlife supplying what people want isn't right smoking and alcohol kill more people than drugs and that is legal

Tell me cushty who do you think he was working for as a smuggler ??? Who was he making all that money for ........

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..........if taking it in your early years mucks you up......................for your later years :huh: ...............................i suppose...the moral of the story is..................don't smoke it when your younger.....wait until your older :laugh:..............that way you will sail through retirement in a blur...... :yes:

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  On 12/04/2016 at 20:09, fireman said:


  On 12/04/2016 at 10:02, kanny said:



  On 12/04/2016 at 07:58, fireman said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 22:17, Kay said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 22:13, kanny said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 22:06, Kay said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 21:15, gnasher16 said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 19:36, Kay said:

Everyone I know who has smoked the stuff habitually for the past few decades have a vacant look about them... its almost as if the fires no longer in there eyes ..


Have never smoked anything or taken drugs ... its just not my thing ... I am to much of a control freak to allow some substance or other alter my mind or my body ... f**k that :laugh:


Each to there own ... its just not my thing

Couldnt agree more.....its not for me but i dont really have a problem with it each to their own and all that......but i couldnt have such people around me as a regular thing i want to be around folk who are on the ball not with that disengaged void look about them.
I work with a lad who claims he uses the stuff every time he has roll up & he is a lovely lad but he stinks of the stuff & everything about him is almost in slow motion... his speech ... his movements the lot ...I think I am just an old fashioned gal .... I just dont get it


If I was in to drugs I would want summat to give me an edge make me sharp as a tack .... not turn me into a sloath like being :laugh:

That's exactly what I mean everybody is different ...I'm very errrm energetic, frantic naturally i dont need uppers or like them its nice to come down an chill and give myself a break from myself :laugh:
I have worked with this lad 10 years & he does everything at a snails pace ... I cant think he has a rush in him :laugh: ... out of interest is this stuff habit forming like tobacco ?
Personaly i found it a feck lot easier to give up herion than to stop smoking weed and if anyone says it's non addictive then there full of shite..
Did you replace heroin with weed.. Addicts tend to replace one addiction with another..there's often a addictive personality at the bottom of it all...you have my upmost respect for kicking the smak.. I've lost good friends to that shit.

No mate i smoked dope before i did that shit and while on that shit one habit was enough to support,been totaly clean now over a dozen years and have a good misses for over 10 years,kids and relationships with kids i didn't see for years due to it,birds (feathered ones),dogs and a good bit of permission to keep me honest :D and that past life is a long way gone these days :thumbs: .I just found giving up weed harder on the head than gear was but then to REALLY REALLY want to give up gear you really are at rock bottom and sick of the shit life it brings and with weed it's a more casual habitual habit than a needed one so it played on my mind more,that cup of tea and doobie at the end of the day is something i do sort of miss where as the thought of a hit of smack these days :bad: .
Fireman what started you taking heroin if you don't mind me asking if to personal no need to answer but a lot of people around here started on it when they was taking uppers like base and needed to come down so they started smoking heroin Edited by dark-destroyer-85
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A lot of the lads in the rave scene started out smoking a bit of brown to come down after the weekend and before they knew it they were f***ing off the raves and just doing smack 24/7, most of them didn't even really know what it was or how addictive it was until it was too late :no:

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  On 12/04/2016 at 20:45, socks said:


  On 12/04/2016 at 20:23, CushtyJook said:


  On 11/04/2016 at 07:23, socks said:

I can't understand the fascination over a drug smuggler ... I wonder how many young lives the shit he smuggled ruined ... He is potraied as some sort of celebrity when in truth he was a low life criminal that supplied drugs into this country ......

Come on socks his much different is that to the people behind the tobaco trade the alcohol producers to call someone a lowlife supplying what people want isn't right smoking and alcohol kill more people than drugs and that is legal
Tell me cushty who do you think he was working for as a smuggler ??? Who was he making all that money for ........
Don't know mate who
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  On 13/04/2016 at 09:08, maxhardcore said:

Trainspotting glorified that lifestyle to those with weak minds.

A lot tried it off the back of that movie and got saddled with heroin addiction.

cant see how trainspotting glorified smack, who in there right minds would watch that film and think ohh that looks a good lifestyle

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  On 13/04/2016 at 08:45, BGD said:

A lot of the lads in the rave scene started out smoking a bit of brown to come down after the weekend and before they knew it they were f***ing off the raves and just doing smack 24/7, most of them didn't even really know what it was or how addictive it was until it was too late :no:

I watched a friend get torn apart by the shit before the rave scene we was only 15 but it was a lesson to me never to go near it and I hate it with a passion. 30 years on the the same lad is still on it and in and out of prison for thieving a total waste of life he was from a privileged background and has faired far worse than us estate boys. It seems to often be the case. Since then I've known 3 acquaintance die on the shit.

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  On 13/04/2016 at 09:19, kanny said:


  On 13/04/2016 at 08:45, BGD said:

A lot of the lads in the rave scene started out smoking a bit of brown to come down after the weekend and before they knew it they were f***ing off the raves and just doing smack 24/7, most of them didn't even really know what it was or how addictive it was until it was too late :no:

I watched a friend get torn apart by the shit before the rave scene we was only 15 but it was a lesson to me never to go near it and I hate it with a passion. 30 years on the the same lad is still on it and in and out of prison for thieving a total waste of life he was from a privileged background and has faired far worse than us estate boys. It seems to often be the case. Since then I've known 3 acquaintance die on the shit.

Lost a couple of pals to the stuff myself all of them got into it through the rave scene and it was honestly heartbreaking watching my wild mates that were so full of life turning into these zombies shuffling around only caring about their next fix :no:

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