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R I P Howard Marks

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I'd say more a case of people who smoke it a lot depend on it! If people like how it makes them feel then what is it they don't like about how they feel when they don't have it? I don't understand it, not exactly cheap to buy is it

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I can't understand the fascination over a drug smuggler ... I wonder how many young lives the shit he smuggled ruined ... He is potraied as some sort of celebrity when in truth he was a low life crim

Yeah all those lives ruined by a bit of hash :laugh:   Gutted to hear he's passed, a real legend and by all accounts a stand up bloke.   RIP Howard I'm off to spark one for you

If a man needs to earn money from writing books about his crimes then he probably wasnt a very succesful criminal.



Now, when you read 'linked to....' it tends to mean correlation as opposed to causation, so you have to be careful how you interpret what is said but for anyone to say cannabis isn't addictive I find a little odd.

Personally I can take or leave it with no problems so for me it isn't addictive as I said before I haven't had a toke for a month and feel no urge to and that's coming of a few months heavy use.
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Now, when you read 'linked to....' it tends to mean correlation as opposed to causation, so you have to be careful how you interpret what is said but for anyone to say cannabis isn't addictive I find a little odd.

Personally I can take or leave it with no problems so for me it isn't addictive as I said before I haven't had a toke for a month and feel no urge to and that's coming of a few months heavy use.



That's fine fella, and to be perfectly honest there are plenty of things folks are addicted to that don't really have all that great a negative influence on their lives. I just think it's totally misleading to make cannabis out to be safe or non addictive or whatever.


I don't touch the stuff for my own personal reasons but equally I'm pro legalisation so I don't really have a bias on this topic. :thumbs:

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Everyone I know who has smoked the stuff habitually for the past few decades have a vacant look about them... its almost as if the fires no longer in there eyes ..


Have never smoked anything or taken drugs ... its just not my thing ... I am to much of a control freak to allow some substance or other alter my mind or my body ... f**k that :laugh:


Each to there own ... its just not my thing


Couldnt agree more.....its not for me but i dont really have a problem with it each to their own and all that......but i couldnt have such people around me as a regular thing i want to be around folk who are on the ball not with that disengaged void look about them.
I work with a lad who claims he uses the stuff every time he has roll up & he is a lovely lad but he stinks of the stuff & everything about him is almost in slow motion... his speech ... his movements the lot ...I think I am just an old fashioned gal .... I just dont get it


If I was in to drugs I would want summat to give me an edge make me sharp as a tack .... not turn me into a sloath like being :laugh:

That's exactly what I mean everybody is different ...I'm very errrm energetic, frantic naturally i dont need uppers or like them its nice to come down an chill and give myself a break from myself :laugh:

I have worked with this lad 10 years & he does everything at a snails pace ... I cant think he has a rush in him :laugh: ... out of interest is this stuff habit forming like tobacco ?

Personaly i found it a feck lot easier to give up herion than to stop smoking weed and if anyone says it's non addictive then there full of shite..
Did you replace heroin with weed.. Addicts tend to replace one addiction with another..there's often a addictive personality at the bottom of it all...you have my upmost respect for kicking the smak.. I've lost good friends to that shit.
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I am pretty much a slave to nicotine, I simply substituted bacca for an e cig... now I use both I shame to say , I am just weak because I couldn't kick the stuff


I am not making excuses but I felt no benefits from withdrawing tobacco from my life , after piling on 2.5 stones I felt better when I looked at my eating habits & if truth be told I feel healthier for having shifted the weight rather than better because I withdrew the tobacco

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It is addictive, the real answer is that they just don't know the long term effects.

We do actually,its been used since 2000 BC in a medicinal way somif we havent worked outbthe long term effects it must be because those studying it are sitting around monged.

Howard Marks was a smuggler,simple as,as gnasher said not a particularly good one as he was caught,but often thats due to all of the links in a chain,your only as good as the weakest,what makes Howard Marks different is he was a celebrity smuggler,a genial raconteur who promoted himself on the lecture/Tour circuit.

He smuggled cannabis,ansoft drug,not a gateway drug as is often promoted,that old chestnut has been squashed,in fact the first gateway drug most kids have is a sly puff on a ciggie or a swig of a can,I could quote death due to alcohol or ciggies Versus Cannabis but i dont need to,theres been no deaths due to cannabis,no carcinogens,especially as people are now starting to synthesize it down to clean forms,people like the effects but are starting to realise there are better ways than smoking.

Howard Marks was a prohibitionist smuggler,exactly the same as al capone capitalised on the prohibition of alcohol 1920-1933,both of them moved products that society said were harmfull,well stateside cannabis now brings in millions of dollars in lawfull taxes and its deemed less harmfull than ciggies and alcohol,likewise here the wheel is slowly turning,cannabis is now a,licenced medicine in the form of sativex,its only a matter of time before its legalised.One of Canadas president Trudeau's pledges last year was to legalise cannabis,theres already huge legal grows and dispensaries in the states,canada also has large indoor legal medicinal grows,as a plant its certainly got medicinal ethnobotanical value.I dont touch it,I have stood in fields of thousands of plants and never been temped,you can make houses,clothes,vehicles from it whereas tobbaco with its added chemicals including over 400 toxins and carcinogenics has no value apart from smoking?

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When you put in the 2.5st did it make you over weight for your size ect?

Yes Lukey I am 5 foot 3 tall & weighed 12.5 stone.... I wasnt that big at 9 months pregnant with my first son & I had pre eclapsia so was full of fluid

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It is addictive, the real answer is that they just don't know the long term effects.

We do actually,its been used since 2000 BC in a medicinal way somif we havent worked outbthe long term effects it must be because those studying it are sitting around monged.

Howard Marks was a smuggler,simple as,as gnasher said not a particularly good one as he was caught,but often thats due to all of the links in a chain,your only as good as the weakest,what makes Howard Marks different is he was a celebrity smuggler,a genial raconteur who promoted himself on the lecture/Tour circuit.

He smuggled cannabis,ansoft drug,not a gateway drug as is often promoted,that old chestnut has been squashed,in fact the first gateway drug most kids have is a sly puff on a ciggie or a swig of a can,I could quote death due to alcohol or ciggies Versus Cannabis but i dont need to,theres been no deaths due to cannabis,no carcinogens,especially as people are now starting to synthesize it down to clean forms,people like the effects but are starting to realise there are better ways than smoking.

Howard Marks was a prohibitionist smuggler,exactly the same as al capone capitalised on the prohibition of alcohol 1920-1933,both of them moved products that society said were harmfull,well stateside cannabis now brings in millions of dollars in lawfull taxes and its deemed less harmfull than ciggies and alcohol,likewise here the wheel is slowly turning,cannabis is now a,licenced medicine in the form of sativex,its only a matter of time before its legalised.One of Canadas president Trudeau's pledges last year was to legalise cannabis,theres already huge legal grows and dispensaries in the states,canada also has large indoor legal medicinal grows,as a plant its certainly got medicinal ethnobotanical value.I dont touch it,I have stood in fields of thousands of plants and never been temped,you can make houses,clothes,vehicles from it whereas tobbaco with its added chemicals including over 400 toxins and carcinogenics has no value apart from smoking?

Sorry my post wasn't clear replied quickly at brew time what I actually meant was that they have no idea about the long term effects of skunk on the brain as they are only just appearing.

As of 15 years ago ish id guess 90% of cannabis was resin with alot lower levels of THC.

I agree totally with the rest of your post and personally think that canabis is only still illegal due to political and tax reasons. It's sort of getting that way now via the back door with the policing cuts and them having to prioritise resorces.

At the end of the day if they said everyone could apply for a ticket to grow say 3 plants for personal use only they could pretty much kill the trade in a few months and use the tax to fund research/helping people similar to gamlbling and alcohol.

Edited by treecreeper
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It is addictive, the real answer is that they just don't know the long term effects.

We do actually,its been used since 2000 BC in a medicinal way somif we havent worked outbthe long term effects it must be because those studying it are sitting around monged.

Howard Marks was a smuggler,simple as,as gnasher said not a particularly good one as he was caught,but often thats due to all of the links in a chain,your only as good as the weakest,what makes Howard Marks different is he was a celebrity smuggler,a genial raconteur who promoted himself on the lecture/Tour circuit.

He smuggled cannabis,ansoft drug,not a gateway drug as is often promoted,that old chestnut has been squashed,in fact the first gateway drug most kids have is a sly puff on a ciggie or a swig of a can,I could quote death due to alcohol or ciggies Versus Cannabis but i dont need to,theres been no deaths due to cannabis,no carcinogens,especially as people are now starting to synthesize it down to clean forms,people like the effects but are starting to realise there are better ways than smoking.

Howard Marks was a prohibitionist smuggler,exactly the same as al capone capitalised on the prohibition of alcohol 1920-1933,both of them moved products that society said were harmfull,well stateside cannabis now brings in millions of dollars in lawfull taxes and its deemed less harmfull than ciggies and alcohol,likewise here the wheel is slowly turning,cannabis is now a,licenced medicine in the form of sativex,its only a matter of time before its legalised.One of Canadas president Trudeau's pledges last year was to legalise cannabis,theres already huge legal grows and dispensaries in the states,canada also has large indoor legal medicinal grows,as a plant its certainly got medicinal ethnobotanical value.I dont touch it,I have stood in fields of thousands of plants and never been temped,you can make houses,clothes,vehicles from it whereas tobbaco with its added chemicals including over 400 toxins and carcinogenics has no value apart from smoking?

Sorry my post wasn't clear replied quickly at brew time what I actually meant was that they have no idea about the long term effects of skunk on the brain as they are only just appearing.

As of 15 years ago ish id guess 90% of cannabis was resin with alot lower levels of THC.

I agree totally with the rest of your post and personally think that canabis is only still illegal due to political and tax reasons. It's sort of getting that way now via the back door with the policing cuts and then having to prioritise resorces.

At the end of the day if they said everyone could apply for a ticket to grow say 3 plants for personal use they would pretty much kill the trade in a few months and use the tax to find research/helping people similar to gamlbling and alcohol.

Skunk cannabis mate,skunk is just a generic term used nowadays as a coverall word for cannabis,the original skunk came to amsterdam from California back in the 1980's or slightly earlier,its used nowadays as a brand name the same as cheese etc,i always laugh when the media come out with their generically modified skunk scare stories,how many cannabis breeders have the facilities to genetically modify a crop,none,genetic modification is top end biologists league.I think what your on about is cannabis psychosis,but as you said the docs are unsure of that at the moment,whether cannabis brings out an illness thats already there or is the causation.But yes mate,skunk is a term nowadays used by the media for good quality smelly weed.I remember the UK's drug tzar professor David Knutt was sacked as his findings on weed didnt tally with the government reefer madness line.
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True I could name 101 names for it but whatever you call it it's alot stronger than it was. Skunks not a cover all name for cannabis though all skunk is canabis but not all canabis is skunk.?

With regards to Mr Knutt it's the first time id heard anyone a decent position talk sense and he got sacked.?

Edited by treecreeper
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True I could name 101 names for it but whatever you call it it's alot stronger than it was.

With regards to Mr Knutt it's the first time id heard anyone a decent position talk sense and he got sacked.

He got sacked because he exposed certain facts,in 2011 a thousand people went to hospital for cannabis related causes,whereas over a million people went for alcohol related problems and 13,000 of those were under the age of 18,that puts it into perspective.
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