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Fox And Badger Control Cairngorms Scotland.

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Very interesting photo on there FB page.

Good find Liam and to those who doubt what an adult Eagle can kill should educate themselves, besides, it's not the first time dead badgers, foxes and hares have been found in Eyries . A few years ag

One answer is Spiderman.The other answer is how da f**k do I know LOL.

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Golden eagles are formidable hunters,why anyone would doubt what's in that nest is a mystery.they'll take roe deer,also feed on red deer carves.They are used in Mongolia to take down wolves,mostly in pairs I must ad,but a seasond eagle can take them single handed.Great pic by the way.

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Does it hunt at night? Badgers

They will hunt at night too . All birds of prey do when they've got young . If you watch Nottingham university peregrines . Last year she was bringing all sorts back in the night she even brought a woodcock back .
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Good find Liam and to those who doubt what an adult Eagle can kill should educate themselves, besides, it's not the first time dead badgers, foxes and hares have been found in Eyries .

A few years ago it was thought that there were Irish hares living in Scotland because of bones found in Eyries but it was discovered that the parents were killing hares in Northern Ireland and flying back to Scotland with them.

that fecking ryanair will fly anything for a shilling

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Its fake, photo shopped in, not bad though, the giant rabbits gave it away and the twigs covering the back foxes leg has bits missing if you zoom in all carcass are placed, cheeky feckers aren't they

Not fake ...a few Mis Marples on here ...lol

Lol, it certainly looks fake, I've never seen a badger/fox sized rabbit


Get a grip mate ,its fox cubs and a young badger .The fact there is so much meat about is because there is only one chick survived and living life of luxury .Nature at its best id say .Nice one Liam .

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Does it hunt at night? Badgers

They will hunt at night too . All birds of prey do when they've got young . If you watch Nottingham university peregrines . Last year she was bringing all sorts back in the night she even brought a woodcock back .


Eagle wont hunt at night ...that peri was catching prey in the city where it is lit up ...regarding the young badger ....this pic was taken from a video and judging by the size of the chick would of been mid late summer where there is only a few hours darkness up this neck of the woods ...probably playing outside a sett in late eveniong or early morning

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Does it hunt at night? Badgers


They will hunt at night too . All birds of prey do when they've got young . If you watch Nottingham university peregrines . Last year she was bringing all sorts back in the night she even brought a woodcock back .

Eagle wont hunt at night ...that peri was catching prey in the city where it is lit up ...regarding the young badger ....this pic was taken from a video and judging by the size of the chick would of been mid late summer where there is only a few hours darkness up this neck of the woods ...probably playing outside a sett in late eveniong or early morning


Do you get golden eagles in Vietnam ?

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