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Why does anybody care what another man charges for his pups ... If you want one you would pay if you don't want one then why comment ........

I might be interested i made an appointment with the bank to see can i remorgage my house

All you people moaning at the price ... When you read the paper or brows gum tree eBay whatever and you see something that you think is overpriced do you ring or email the person to tell them that ...

Guest foxpack

Just a nosey c**t who likes looking at bushing dogs .would like to see types of dogs used and crossed to see what type of pup your getting.I.e coat.shape height at certain ages .

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Guest foxpack
  On 09/04/2016 at 07:48, foxpack said:

Just a nosey c**t who likes looking at bushing dogs .would like to see types of dogs used and crossed to see what type of pup your getting.I.e coat.shape height at certain ages .

plus there is an old boy looking for a little rabbiting type bushing dog and I could show him pictures as he doesn't go on internet.and the stuff we have doesn't suit him.cheers.
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How much is he asking now?


Has there been some advance from the measly £300 he first asked and I can't see it?


£300 is piss all. Wouldn't get a decent night away with the missus for that. Let alone a working dog what could give you 10-12 plus years of fun.


How people find the money for food, wormers and vet care is beyond me.


Feckin £300. A fisherman would spend that on a bivvy ?

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  On 09/04/2016 at 18:40, W. Katchum said:

Never mind the price lol is it only me that would be too embarrassed to sell pups out a 3 year old lol especially a busher ffs lol what's matter are ye scared she may scratch her ears?lol

I don't see a problem in selling pups out of a 3 year old bushing dog ... I mean what has she got to prove its not as if she is suddenly going to jack on a nettle patch lol ... A dog that age out regularly will have learned all its going to learn by that age ......

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Was thinking the same W.katchum , but sure this twats dogs are world beaters well worth the fortune he's charging for them . Fools and their money are easy parted , been in dogs a long time and if I had to ask anyone that sorta money for a mongrel pup I'd hide away in shame . Have been gifted dogs of this type many times and have given ones away also . If it's about money start breeding Yorkies or something and leave working dogs to the genuine people

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  On 09/04/2016 at 19:01, W. Katchum said:

I just think 3 is a bit young to breed off a bitch. I get that sometimes it's needed, to keep a line or even if to replace or get another dog for yourself. But to try and sell pups off a young bitch is not for me, never mind the price

If I'm not mistaken the OP bred the litter to keep a pup back himself and these are the two that's left .......

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  On 09/04/2016 at 18:36, BlackBuck said:

I take it your one of the c**ts that would be stupid enough to pay it then gaz ?

If I wanted one? Without a doubt.


Not sure that makes me stupid. Being able to afford something I want. But there we go.


If I couldn't afford or didn't want to spend that much then I wouldn't call others stupid...

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