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Tommy Cullens Dog Show/raceday In Baltinglass, Co Wicklow, Sunday April 3Rd 2016

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Tommy Cullens Dog Show and Race Day, Baltinglass, Co Wicklow Sunday 3rd April 16.


Woke up at 5am Sunday morning April 3RD 16, with the joys of spring in my heart, and the work in the field finished. Suddenly the seasons were telling me it was that time of the year again to get our Canine friends in the show ring and on the race track for the start of the summer 16 Dog show and Race Days season.


Some of us may have had joyous occasions in our families since the last showing season, and some may have had great sadness, as fate can throw all sorts of problems in the pathway of life. Sunday was a day to leave all our cares of yesterday behind just for one day, and head to Baltinglass and Tommy Cullens 3rd annual dog show, for a days enjoyment with the family and our loyal Canine friends.


Yes Sunday the 3rd of April had finally arrived and our first road trip of 2016. With the rain pouring down in buckets and the dog chorus singing in our ears, we were on the M50, trailer in tow, enroute to Baltinglass.


As we approached the field, we could see very clearly there was very little parking space left. Each year this show grows bigger and better. By midday the field was full to capacity, and despite the terrible weather, there was a massive crowd in attendance. In the show ring there were 20 to 25 dogs in each class at a time. This year I noticed a great mix of top quality dogs in all categories.


As I moved around the rings, I met up with some old friends and some new ones too. Billy Craig was there with his winning top dogs , the Cuckoo, 007 and Carlow at the end of the lead. Billy has a great knowledge of dogs both in the showing and racing scene, and can back this up with his many winnings over the years and indeed again on Sunday in Baltinglass .


Shadine Henegan, Michael Kerry, and family had travelled from Laois to show their beautiful dogs in the ring on Sunday. A lovely family out for a days enjoyment. Along the way I chatted to Stephen Clarke from Cork and Daniel Maloney from Roscrea who travelled miles to be part of this now famous Canine show day.


Time waits for nobody, and so the moment had arrived after the long cold winter, to get our Canine friends out of the field and into the show ring. Here are most of the Results. ( Tommy Cullen has told me because of the lashing rain, some results were washed away of the sheets)




Terrier Pups

Billy Kerry with Captain


Smooth Coated Russell type Dog

Stephen Mc Gregor with Lucky


Rough Coated Russell type Dog

Gary O Hagan


Rough Coated Russell Type Bitch

Robin Duggan with Lucky


Patterdale Dog

Shane Gilmartin Twister


Patterdale Bitch

Shane Gilmartin


Lakeland Fell Dog

Martin Moloney with Boo


Lakeland Fell Bitch

John Keane with Sally


Border Dog

John Dunphy with Bruce


Judges Choice

Conor Quinn with Bob


Any Breed or Cross

Sean White with Marlon



Shane Gilmartin


Declan Owens with Moscow.


***Gain Irish Open Overall Show Champion Terrier

Shane Gilmartin with Twister

Reserve Champion Terrier

Shane Gilmartin with Treacle




Lurcher Bitch Pup

Peter Jones with Maggie


Lurcher Dog Pup

James Woods with Son


Smooth Dog Over 23

Peter Jones


Smooth Bitch Over 23

Charlie Lowery


Rough Coated Dog Over 23

Peter Cummins with Harry


Rough Coated Bitch over 23

April Dickenson with Cush


Rough Smooth bitch under 23

Ruth Lee with Woobly


Bull Cross Dog

Breandan Fitzgerald with Judge


Bull Cross Bitch

Sean Hays with Sandy


Hare Lurcher

Neil Byrne


***Gain Irish Open Overall Show Champion Lurcher

April Dickenson with Cush

Reserve Champion Lurcher

Sean Hayes with Sandy


( Some classes missing due to result sheets getting wet )






Whippets Pups under 1 Year

Conor Reynolds with Pepsie


Working Whippet Dog

Charlene Rafferty with Timber


Working Whippet Bitch

John Mc Stay with Patch


Whippet Dog

Janet Duke with Oscar


Whippet Bitch

Tracy Gill with Scarlett.


Whippet Pairs

Christina Maguire


Vetern Whippet

Tracy Gill with Lola.


***Gain Irish Open Overall Show Champion Whippet

Tracy Gill with Scarlett

Reserve Champion Whippet

Janet Duke with Oscar


***Childrens Handling Class

This class was won by Chloe Woods with her beautiful Lurcher Rusty . Well done Chloe and also the 2 children who got 2nd and 3rd, ( I have no names ) and all the other children who took part.


****Gain Irish Open Supreme and Overall Show Champion ****

April Dickenson with Cush



Gain Irish Open Racing



GI Under 21 Elite

1.Billy Craig with 007

2.Josh O Connor with Jess

3. Michelle Rafferty with Fly.


GI Open Hairy Dog

1. Jamie Howe with Buster

2.Peter Cummins with Harry

3.Darren Kenny with Coors Light


GI Open Under 23 Working Lurcher

1.Stephen Mc Grath with Meg

2. Peter Cummins with Conor

3.Charlene Rafferty Gip


GI Open Under 23 Elite

1. Billy Craig with Cuckoo

2.Peter Cummins with Lexy

3. Fran Kenny with Mouse


GI Open Bull Cross

1.Shane Duffy with Belle

2.Brian Grady with Jackson

3.Alan Murnane with Roco


GI Open Over 23 Working Lurcher

1.Sean Moore with Speedy

2, David Caine with Buster

3. Brian Mullenney with Bonnie


Gain Irish Open 2016 Racing Champion

1. Nicky Smith with Prince

2. Nicky Smith with Scooby

3. Michael Mc Grath with Chad


Gain Irish Open Open 2016 Whippet Racing

1.Susan Mc Cann with Bella

2.Josh Murphy with Molly


Congratulations to all


And Finally, may I take this opportunity on behalf of Tommy Cullen to thank the judges on the day. Lurchers/Tom Barry and Mickey Quinn. Terriers/Dessie Mackin. Whippets/ Gary Smith. Childrens Handling Class/ Margaret Mc Stay.


Judging is not an easy task, but you carried out your duties with fairness and effiency. Many thanks for that.


I have been asked by the good men and women of the Canine world to thank Sean the tractor driver for towing everybody out safely, after the heavy rain all day destroyed the pathway out of the field. Many thanks Sean, you are a forever friend.


I took some photographs at the show and they are on my timeline at the moment.



And Finally, Finally, I always leave the best to last. I must not forget the man at the helm of this brilliant show day. Tommy Cullen, you and your family made everybody so welcome with your hospitality, excellent show, your brilliant band of helpers, and your friendship on the day. Your show brightened up our lives, and brought us away from the trials and tribulations of life, if only for a day.


Tommy, you must have the best mother and father in this world. Billy and Noreen Cullen worked tirelessly all day, along side your brother Billy, Katie, Fiona and Ann Marie, resulting in your 3rd show being a continual roaring success again in 2016. I am already looking forward to more of the same, minus the rain in 2017.


Margaret Mc Stay




Edited by appleblossom
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      The childrens handling class was first on the list and judged by Marian Cree. What a turnout of children in the ring on Saturday. I can still see the smile on Clodagh Gentle face on winning 1st with her   Whippet Clive. These young boys and girls are our sportsmen and women of tomorrow. I have no doubt in my mind that these little people will carry on the sport after our day. Well done Marian and congratulations to all.  
      Very soon it was show time. Here are the Results.
      *Champion Whippet
      Suzanne Addis with Poppy
      Joyce Scott with Duncan
      *Champion Lurcher
      Rose Mc Coy with Aria
      Lisa Beggs with Nina
      *Champion Terrier
      Franko Duffy with Toby
      Maxi Maxwell with Stig
      *Champion Strong Dog
      Laszlo Pusztai
      Natasha Truesdale with Tyson
      *Champion Puppy
      Natasha Truesdale with Shyla
      **Overall Show Champion and Best in Show
      Suzanne Addis with Poppy
      **Northern Ireland Champion of Champions Whippets
      Suzanne Addis with Poppy
      Suzanne Addis with Jack
      **Northern Ireland Champion of Champions Lurcher
      Mason Thompson with Roxy
      Rose Mc Coy with Aria
      **Northern Ireland Champion of Champions Terrier
      Franko Duffy with Toby
      **Northern Ireland Champion of Champions Strong Dog
      Laszlo Pusztai with Black Diamond
      Andy Spence with Sniper
      ***Racing Results from the Pen of Biddy Mc Grath
      Clodagh Gentle with Susie
      James Mullen with Toby
      Fred Gentle with Clive
      Under 22
      Rose Mc Coy with Arlo
      Rose Mc Coy with Gucci
      Under 23
      Errol Gardiner with Ranger
      Shauna with Brigs
      Over Hairy
      Errol Gardiner with Milo
      Errol Gardiner with Raven
      Maxi Maxwell with Stig
      Maxi Maxwell with Buster
      Big Dogs
      Rose Mc Coy with Aria
      Congratulations to all above winners
      And Finally, may I take this opportunity on behalf of the organisers to thank the judges on the day.
      Childrens Handling / Marian Cree
      John Morrison
      Graham Brennan
      Strong Dogs
      Tin Mc Kinistry
      ***Northern Ireland Champion of Champions Judges
      Whippets / Davy Best
      Lurchers / Graham Brennan
      Terriers  / John Barry
      Strong Dogs/ John Morrision 
      And Finally, Finally, this day would not of been possible without these three men at the helm along with their back up team. Many thanks to Tom Barry, John Barry and Dessie Mackin for another great day out. You have the knack of always running a good show and that you done again last Saturday. Many thanks for the memories.
      Margaret Mc Stay
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      Time passes so quickly,very soon it was Race time.
      Here are the Results from the Pen of Biddy Mc Grath
      Whippet Dog
      James Mullen with Toby
      Fred Gentle with Snake
      Whippet Bitch
      Clodagh Gentle with Susie
      Tierna Owens with Flow
      Jamie O Connor with Penny
      Under 21s
      Rose Mc Coy with Arlo
      Patsy Mc Coy with Dallas
      Under 22s
      Kirsty Harpur with Dash
      Rose Mc Coy with Gucci
      Under 23s Race Breed
      Errol Gardiner with Ranger
      Jack Mc Grath with Missy
      Bull Light
      Joyce Scott with Axel
      John Williams with Lightening
      Bull Heavy
      Joyce Scott with Mabel
      Stephen Mc Cook with Champ
      Over Hairy
      Errol Gardiner with Milo
      Stephen Mc Cook with Champ
      Under Hairy
      Ged Donagh with Tess
      Tom with Rose
      Under 24s
      Colin Tucker with Fletcher
      Kirsty Harpur with Chucky
      Big Dogs
      Cliona Owens with King
      Speed Jump
      Cameron Rogan with Ghost
      Kirby Mc Kibbin with Queen
      **Some  Showing  Championships taken from photographs on Facebook. Some of the dogs names I do not have. Hope I got them right as there were to many to get all of them
      Overall Show Champion Handler
      Lorcan Mc Keever with Arlo
      Clodagh Gentle with Clive
      Champion Working Terrier
      Richard O Callaghan with Hunter
      Niall O Cloghan with Rua
      Champion Terrier Maze with fastest time
      Ged Donagh with PiP
      Lee Spiers with Buddy
      Reserve Champion Working Bitch
      Niall O Cloghan with Rua
      Overall Champion Pairs
      Fred Gentle with Snake and Susie
      Rua and Max
      Reserve Champion Field Dog
      Niall O Cloghan Junior
      Puppy Champion
      Creggan Swifts
      Champion Working Strong Dog
      Stephen Mc Cook with Thor
      Champion Dog Terrier
      Richard O Callaghan with Hunter
      Champion Strong Dog
      Mark Gorman with Jax
      Champion Strong Bitch
      Christine and Lazlo Pusztai with Black Diamond
      Oliver Dunne with Ruby
      Overall Champion Bitch
      Christine and Lazlo Pusztai with Black Diamond
      Ladies Handler
      Cliona Owens with Kobi
      Ann Duffy
      Gents Handler
      Ged Donagh
      Jamie O Connor
      Champion Whippet Dog Final
      Vanessa Lynn with Louis
      James Mullan with Max
      XL Bully Winner
      Jon Jonny with Hugo
      Derry Man who never wins anything
      Creggan Swifts
      Four Bitch Final
      Anthony Taggart with Fern
      Niall O Cloghan
      Champion Bitch Terrier
      Anthony Taggart with Fern
      Best Wheaton
      Ged Donagh
      Overall Best Working Dog
      Richard O Callaghan with Hunter
      Jamie O Connor 
      Overall Best in Show
      Vanessa Lynn with Louis
      Mark Gorman with Jax
      And Finally, a big shout out 
      to the Judges on the day for doing a great job.
      Childrens Handling Class
      Gail Ross/Barley Banger
      Ladies Handling Class
      Gail Ross/Barley Banger
      Gents Handling Class
      Barley Banger
      Stephanie O Connor
      Maurice Mc Dowell
      Robert Booth
      Strong Dogs
      John Ryder
      Working Dogs
      Jason Morrissey
      The McGrath Racing team Biddy, Michael, Jack, and Anthony, you are tops. You set the place a light with your professionalism and experience and run the racing so effective and efficiently on the day. There is a lot of hard work goes into running racing and all credit goes to team Mc Grath.  
      And Finally, Finally, Harry John Digging you were definitely the King of Scrabo on Sunday and in a league of your own. Along with your back up angel Gail Ross, who pulled out all the stops to make everything run so smoothly, and Sam Ross the photographer who took some lovely photographs, you brought town and country North and South of the border together for another great sporting day out.
      You are a shinning light in our Country Sport traditions and for a first time show and venue, it was excellent and without contradiction.  Harry John Digging you should be proud of the work you done on Sunday. Thank you for a day full of joy and excitement and roll on 2025 for more of the same.
      Margaret Mc Stay
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