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Fitting In Work Around Dogs

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Lost alot due to dogs/hunting,I put it before many things inc work,I regret nothing for at the time I thought it right & proper..marriage,relationships,work nothing other than my kids came before

Good title to your thread...great way to think.   It is usually the other way round!

Iam a self employed gas fitter so iam lucky enough to work my dogs every day, i dont book my first job untill 10am, this allows me a mooch before i start or a couple of hours on the lamp if the weathe

I work for myself in my own workshop which was great as could work anytime to fit in around hunting. Business got too good the last few years and now have a guy working with me who wants to work normal hours so I have ended up doing the same. I miss the freedom but shouldn't complain really.

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I used to work nights in a drift mine and on the odd occasion when we had completed our delegated work we used to go to the surface and have a mooch by cap light on the hills above the pit, surprising how many charlies we saw. We used to bath, get home pick up the terriers for round two really knackering. Younger then strong as an ox, dothings now in moderation bugger of a thing this age thing!!!!!

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What can people who work really have time to run and keep dogs? Just that Iv seen more adds of Lurchers for sale and the reason there for sale is because they have just got a full time job pmsl


I work 5 days a week 5:45 - 2:45 it's good for getting them out for a good mooch After work but don't get many nights in the week lamping as the alarm is set for 4:45 ?

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  On 06/04/2016 at 15:11, monkey said:

What can people who work really have time to run and keep dogs? Just that Iv seen more adds of Lurchers for sale and the reason there for sale is because they have just got a full time job pmsl


I work 5 days a week 5:45 - 2:45 it's good for getting them out for a good mooch After work but don't get many nights in the week lamping as the alarm is set for 4:45 ?

I think only people who have them 8 day weeks can work and have dogs lol.

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  On 06/04/2016 at 15:11, monkey said:

What can people who work really have time to run and keep dogs? Just that Iv seen more adds of Lurchers for sale and the reason there for sale is because they have just got a full time job pmsl

I work 5 days a week 5:45 - 2:45 it's good for getting them out for a good mooch After work but don't get many nights in the week lamping as the alarm is set for 4:45

Ditto, not long back started 4 on 4 off rotating days starting 05.30, have to wait and see what the benefits/deficits will be to my hunting.


Cheers, D.

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Im working 6 days a week, 0730-1730.Dog goes in the kennel at work and gets walked for an hour on my lunch break, gets another good walk after work. Only down side to walking dogs around a game farm is having to keep the buggers on a lead most the time :laugh:

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Work 5-6 days a week. It's hard going as I mostly up and out early so if I lamping like to be home for 2 max. Done a few where got in and gone straight to work, i try finish early in winter to take dogs out before it goes dark. But work for my family business so fairly lucky and flexible.

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I work 4 on 4 off 2 days then 2 night 12hour shifts and I give my dogs plenty work I lamp after my second day shift as I'm not at work till the following afternoon then after my last night shift a good mooch on the morning and just local walks on the other dats am at work then on my 4 days off I'm mooching on the day and lamping on the night, it does mess about with feeding times but then again I never feed my dogs at a certain time

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Im bloody lucky in that i only work 3 days a week, so finding time for the animals isnt too much of an issue, although with breeding season kicking in i will work 5 days through the summer then back to 3 come september

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I have in the past worked every shift pattern there is and always managed to fit my terriers and lurchers around whichever it was, my favourite was always straight days either 8am-4-30pm or thereabouts, you can give them half hour before work (just stay away from earths) and after tea and putting the kids to bed (points earner) I would meet my mate for 9pm,in the week we would only stay out till 11-12 ish but weekends providing there was no big events the terriers were worked, if the dogs were knocked up or injured in any way I would take the mrs and kids out (points earner again), seen loads of marriages go to sh*t because of no family life,then as the lads got bigger they would come for full days out and my mrs loved it because they would be falling asleep in their tea,bed early for them and a good "goosing" for her, the hardest thing for me was on a hard frosty morning or snow or a few days of rain after a dry spell because I knew everything would be to ground,there were many days I went home sick or phoned in with illness then out with the dogs, I remember 1 day in particular driving nearly all the way to work before turning round and going back to go hunting.

Lamping patterns have changed over the years,30yrs ago I would never see a fox in the beam till 11-30pm ish nowadays I lamp rabbits on their first feed 7pm and will see plenty of fox about, I don't lamp very late now 1am would be a late finish for me these days,normally back in the house for 11-30pm, if you love your sport you will fit it in around any working shift pattern but a good dog run will save a lot of damage and heartache in the long run and will keep the mrs onside, WM

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  On 06/04/2016 at 12:38, buster gonads said:

I used to work down the Pits [untill Maggie decieded otherwise] i found the 3 shift pattern was great for working the dogs, i could always get on and off the local estates before the keepers knew i,d been ;) , happy days.

Always found afters to be the best shift out of the 3 and would ask those getting off the cage in the pit bottom wat the weather was like if they said it was blowing a gale it was home a bit of supper then lamping wile the small hours.

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  On 05/04/2016 at 20:36, Craig1990ward said:

Sorry if in wrong section. What shifts do people find good to work to get most out hunting your dogs?

Anybody wanting to get the best out of their jukels will,others won,t.Work,family and life get in the way of whats best for the lurcher,the best lurcher workers work em,regardless,others have mutts that will never reach theirs,or their owners potential.Its not rocket science,graft them as and when,if thats not enough for the dogs,don,t own dogs.

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