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It's not my rifle- it's the retired keepers .17hmr. In fact, they are the only 7 shots I've ever fired through a HMR.

I've actually got photos of every fox I've shot, trapped, bolted and caught for the last few years- it's a quick way of recollecting them.


In fact our genuine coffee table wedding album has a picture of me and my best man with the two foxes we bolted with terriers and shot that very morning lol.


Anyway- like I said, this was an interesting thread with some interesting ecology info in it. It was only to that aim that I posted because folks were too ignorant of what I calmly wrote with no pic.

Be as offended as you like- it won't bring the poor buggers back to life ;)

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Tripod. a local dog fox with one of his cubs at the earth. he was a cripple and still helped the vixen feed the cubs. along with a cub from the previous year. ive watch these foxes for generations and

I really cannot believe that you didnt know the dog is involved in the up bringing of cubs FD but you dont seem convinced ....as for the dog only being vocal during the rut I can guarentee you he will

great too see hunters respecting what they hunt and ive learnt something from this thread , think we need too be open minded about things , and its true believe what you see and sometimes if that's al

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  On 12/04/2016 at 16:37, onion jonny said:


  On 12/04/2016 at 16:23, Crosshair said:


  On 12/04/2016 at 16:17, onion jonny said:

sitting in a motor 60yds from the den you shoot seven and say you dont want to eradicate them, ffs get real.

No! Why would I want to eradicate something that gives me so much pleasure? Whether Lamping, driving, bolting, exempt hunting, snaring or cage trapping them, I always get a rush when you first set eyes on one.


But that sized litter on that little shoot and indeed in that little valley was unsustainable. For the benefit of all the wildlife- killing that litter was the right thing to do.

You'll be pleased to know that there are still foxes in the area- just not too many.


oh maybe their was eight in the den and seeing you being a fox fan you decided to leave a wee cub good for you, the fact is your shooting out a car at a range so close you could use a catty to hit them cos you didnt want to miss any of them in other words you wanted to wipe them out so they didnt eat to much so mr big gun dont give the old pish that their still plenty in the area cos if there is and you can get the car close enough i'm sure you will get most of them,


My plummer bitch was a feck lot closer than 60 yrds when i sorted out a full litter of cubs the day before yesterday on a shoot and the old boy keeper couldn't get her to stand still last night for a shot and him and our keeper are sat as i type up a high seat waiting for her,i don't recon you have any idea about a shoot nor what you have to do to control vermin on one as if you did you'd know there's not a keeper,pest controler,sheperd or a multitude of others who'd have left a cub or two out of that lot to carry on causing mayhem,,,or as you put it eating to much....

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  On 12/04/2016 at 18:21, foxbolter said:

Crosshair you must have thought you was the big man making sure you got the gun in the photo what a f***ing knob you are. Always the farmer or gamekeeper asked me people like you piss me off why don't people grow a pair stand up and admit they love shooting foxes with rifle at night ? Is it because you know your in the wrong. sell the riffle then they can't ask you but saying that you won't get your fix then will you

You didn't read what I wrote very well did you. I am a keeper myself. I was there that night as a young pair of eyes to do the dirty work for him- nothing more, nothing less. I was also genuinely interested to see such a big litter as until I shot them, he wasn't sure how many there were or whether they were all the same lot.




I was always told the fox Cubs come up with the Bluebells and this year has been no different as I found my first litter this week. After getting the vixen first for a change, the dog soon followed and to save time, I cage trapped the Cubs using the last Cock pheasant the dog fox had dropped at the earth!!


We always get lots of litters moved on to us rather than born here and sure enough, I found one or two more opened out this week ready too. So there'll be plenty more to come I'm sure.

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A picture can also be made to be a setup . What I can't get my head around is how can they enjoy doing something like that. He obviously enjoyed it if I had to do something like that you would never hear me mention it he's taken photo because he's proud of himself and likes to show people how good he thinks he is.

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  On 13/04/2016 at 10:12, foxbolter said:

Clueless lol let's just say I'd rather a shovel than a riffle. men who shoot 10 foxes a night that's clueless. when you ask for permission why mention a riffle don't own one no can't be asked to do it then Simple

I'd rather a spade than a gun but yet to see a terrier that can knock one over at 100 yrds + and a rifle in a pic to show how or what was done can save many a hassle :yes: .I am out tomorrow on a estate looking for cubs as the keeper is struggling to get around as he's been ill,do i enjoy it? :hmm: ,well it's the shitty end of terrier work but yes i enjoy seeing my dogs work it out and getting a job done cleanly and humainly.Will i get a hard on over cubs being killed?,not a fecking chance but a ball ache now and a clear up of a litter or two now gets me on 4000 acres of permission :thumbs: ,no brainer in my book mate :D ..

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At the end of the day riffles are going to end foxhunting and terrier work not the ban more and more knobs getting them. shooting dozens of foxes a night that really can't be missed with the gear used today . Remember a place cleaned out with a riffle this time of year won't get many digs on come August I'm clueless lol . It's not about permission it's about how it lifts your ego being a big man with a big gun lol

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I've always questioned what sort of relationships with his farmers / keepers a terrierman has if he wont answer call outs. Not very professional IMO.

My snares are down 27 / 7 / 365, has to be done and it's amazing how someones attitude changes regarding vermin when they're the victim themselves.

Such is life.

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It's not about ego, it's about interest. It was such an unusual occurrence that I thought they deserved a picture. That said, I do photograph all of them to keep a quick record that I can transfer on to my spreadsheet for my estate records.


I enjoy all aspects of fox control but bolting to terriers and sitting in highseats in daylight are my two favourite.

Lamping is a necessary chore, snaring annoying here (as we have so many Muntjac who knock them over) and dispatching stuff in cage traps a distasteful but necessary evil.

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fireman i put it how much they eat because cross did it, i know very well its about control i have been doing it for over thirty years the reason i mentioned it is because i think its his gun not an old keepers and i also think he gets off on the fact that he can do so much killing with it hence the pic of the gun and the foxes placed i think he drove around in his little jimny and plunked them off and took the pic so he can get an orgasim every time he he looks at it, the reason he put it up is so some lads can pat him on the back, fireman twice in the last week i have been doing fox control on two shoots and did a good job but neither i nor any of the two keepers set up the results for a family album pic no they just got on with a distasteful job.

Edited by onion jonny
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