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A Great Day Out!

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Well I woke up this morning with anticipation, and excitement with the prospect of another day outdoors, doing the thing that I love.

The dogs shared in my excitement as soon as they seen me heading for the ferret cage, I felt sorry as I looked at my pregnant brown bitch, and said you cant come girl, stay, I wont be long, she pleaded with her eyes as I walked out the door.

Car packed dogs, and ferrets loaded a 1 hour pleasant drive in front of me to get to Des's place (one of my permissions) on the way I contemplated our plan of attack.

When I arrived, Des was already outside with the gates open, gday mate jump in. We headed down to the back paddock, I asked Des where he thought we should start, he had it all planned.

This way he said, I followed him to the first warren 6 holes, quickly pursed it up 10 minutes later we were done, 2 rabbits, we headed to the next warren ,a mound around 10 holes purse nets down.

We dropped in 2 ferrets Rambo my youngest, and Grace my best. We stood back and waited commenting how bloody strong the wind is becoming, half an hour later still waiting, cant hear a thing except the wind, and no sign of the ferrets.

Des said ill take the nets and go prepare the next one, ok buddy ill catch up,.

Another 15 minutes went by before the first rabbit bolted, hit the net with Grace hanging on to his neck, I despatched the rabbit and put Grace back in the box , during this time the dogs were giving a lot of attention to one hole in particular, I looked into the hole and could see Rambo holding a rabbit by the face, I reached in and just managed to pull them out, as I was dealing with the rabbit Rambo shot back down, within a minute another one hit a net with Rambo not far behind

I packed up and headed to where Des was, three warrens spaced out in and around a fern patch about 30 holes, all netted and ready to go. We changed the ferrets and dropped in 2 fresh jills, 20 minutes later we had another 5 rabbits; by this time it was already over 25 Celsius and the wind was howling, getting a bit hot for the ferrets mate, yea better call it a day.

We stood together gutting the rabbits, talking about the days events, and our next attack date, packed all the gear and headed back to the house Ill see ya Sunday mate. Ok buddy .

What a great day I love ferreting!






Edited by Sirblessed
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Great write up mate and excellent pics. Looks a good day. I like the pup, bonny animal. I can't help feeling a bit envious of the weather :-)

Looking like you got Des hooked


THz. Yea he is gone mate loves it
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You have some good ground there, little hot for me but lovely place...................

Not so bad from now until October. I wouldn't trade it I hate the cold. I was born in Scotland and have been back for an extended holiday to bloody cold for me.
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I get my share of the hard stuff, it is nice to be able to pick and choose.I have been blessed lately with some fantastic permissions. got to the stage now I cant take any more on. Ive always said if I get rabbits its a bonus, just love getting out.

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Great write up mate and excellent pics. Looks a good day. I like the pup, bonny animal. I can't help feeling a bit envious of the weather :-)

Looking like you got Des hooked


THz. Yea he is gone mate loves it


Des just rang me 5 min's ago asked if I would come out on Saturday I checked the weather looks fantastic, Should be a good day, Daughter is bringing her ferrets as well. going out to another property tomorrow he has hundreds running on his place 300 acres beautiful place you have seen some pics in Marking page 3. Ill take the camera SAT get some more footage going onto his Neighbours too :-)
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