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My First Perm

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  On 04/04/2016 at 16:58, treecreeper said:


  On 04/04/2016 at 16:17, mark williams said:

Hi there Steve,

Well done getting the permission :good:


Please don`t take this the wrong way but go to that permission "on your own" and look after it (as said).

Your a young lad of 14 years of age, so go it alone shooting ( without your mates) and come back here for advice off the lads if you feel the need to.


Best tip for ratting on a water :hmm: - bait a few spots near dustbins or active areas, watch which are the most used and baits taken, then sit 20 yds away and wait.(in the evening).


No smoking mind, (if your daft enough to smoke) ;) scares `em off !


p.s. peanut butter and melted chocolate (gone hard again) on a board will have you shooting. I`m sure the lads will tip you a few more baits.


"Good luck"

If he's only 14 Mark he can't go on his own he needs someone over 21 to go with him until he is on his perm or over 18 to borrow the rifle off.


Yes TC i always went shooting with my Dad, or older than 17yrs old lads in my era of being 14.


I bet/ hope you did too :yes:






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What ever bait you put down make sure it cant be picked up by them and run off with as you need the rat or rats to stay put long enough to take the shot .


And the lads are right all ways respect the farmer and most of all the land and more will follow


word of mouth go,s a long way with farmers and even faster if you do some thing wrong


We started with one little perm and now have that many its hard to keep on top of them at times lol


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Congratulations on your first permission, as I'm sure you don't need reminding, keep up your end of the bargain (keep on top of rattus norvegicus, act responsibly etc) then hopefully this will be the first of a wide network of permissions :) normally I would also suggest offering the land owner (or more importantly his/her better half) a brace or two of your bag but on a rat perm maybe give that a miss Good luck with it and hopefully it is the start of a long and varied pastime :)

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Many years ago, i used to shoot rats on a fishing pond perm and a mistake on my part nearly lost me the perm. I shot one rat that went into the pond and as the light faded I forgot to get it out, the next visit, the owner had a go because of a floating dead rat so stick a long handled landing net in the car so you can get any of the dead ones out of the water. Litter pickers are great for picking up any rat and perfect for those in the water if you can reach.




Well done on getting the perm and good luck.



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