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More Shooting!

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Went down the permission today and found that someone has helpfully put a trail through the middle of my permissions. This was explained to me after I had headshot a rabbit and was walking jauntily down the track between the permissions carrying it by the hind feet. I encountered a couple walking their collie, The woman asked me if I shot in gardens and what the law was regarding shooting rabbits in the garden as they seemed to have the extras from Watership Down living in it.


They gave me their phone number and now I have a new permission!


Also had some time in the woods and managed to bag a couple of pigeons as well, so bunny, pigeons and permission, life is grand!



Edited by secretagentmole
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I like it when you're doing bit of hunting fishing or something else countryfied and bump into other people who look at you approvingly, the ones that ask questions and start conversations with a real interest are a pleasure to meet,the rare ones that offer permission must be a real pleasure to meet!! :thumbs:

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Special day for you there mole :boogy: - well done mate.



Hope the 100 is to your liking ? - the rabbit and pigeon did`nt think much of it though :no:







What you mean being a rifle rather than a carbine?


My fault that one!


The wolverine scratch limited edition stock?


HWs fault and still not resolved, might have to go back to the shop with that one by the looks!


Accuracy and power?


Up to scratch so see what can be sorted!

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Getting about and doing the job are always good ways to get more land.


I get a lot of work that way, to the extend I control big chunks via numerous landowners!


That also makes the control job a lot easier!



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