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Basta$Ds Torturing The White Bulldog

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The dog should be respected for the loyalty it showed to its owners, the pack leaders. You only need to look at the dogs eyes, it is asking why!! but still takes it without retaliation.


By my way of thinking this Bulldog breed has been bred to do this. Just the same as a greyhound has been bred to chase anything that moves. Just as the APB has been bred to be aggressive in almost all situations (this is a Bulldog not an APB).


This dog is true to it's breeding and deserves respect. Far more respect than I would give to the two pieces of human $hit that dealt out the punishment.

Edited by toblue
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Ain't actualy watched the clip,...but, I've a fair idea how the script goes...   Facts are,...some guys are just not right,..they were born bad,..and will die bad.....   Hunting can also be a cr

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Gnasher. I think from the look of the dog it had already had its spirit /fight well & truelly knocked out of it long before we saw it on video bud!! Atb

Oh i dont make you wrong i agree.....im just saying i cant respect a dog that could be dominated like that......but then im not a dog lover i love certain dogs and dont like others so i can see how folks would get upset :thumbs:

Can't really see what respecting the dog or liking certain types of dogs has to do with this tbh??

I don't like cats particularly but I'd still be disgusted to watch a cat being abused in this way ( I clicked on the vid and turned it off after, 10 secs, I don't need to watch shit like that).

I guess i just dont particularly like pet dogs in general.....cats tend to be survivors i couldnt see one sitting accepting shit like that without either scratching out or running off.....i guess the old " mans best friend " ideology has its down sides also.

It's all to do with mental conditioning and the way a dog that lives with people has to behave ... From a pup it's taught and conditioned to be submissive towards people ... It's the same as a big strong working lurcher that will kill a fox in seconds then pull down and hold a fallow Buck and would be more than capable of making a mess on a man but wouldn't dream of it due to is mental conditioning ......


I have no real experience with guard/protection type dogs......but do you think a fully trained up one would sit taking a beating like that bulldog did ?.....after all we cant change centuries of mental conditioning in a few months....can we ?......my only experience has been with Apbt,s and timid and mentally fragile as some of them were there was plenty that simply wouldnt be dominated in that way......i find the inside of a dogs mind a fascinating thing and realise that for the most part they can only be what we made them so as " mans best friend " could it be said we are to blame for making a dog a submissive weak minded mess like that one was.......obviously you cant account for individual sick behaviour of certain people.......but im sure you get my drift.

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The dog should be respected for the loyalty it showed to its owners, the pack leaders. You only need to look at the dogs eyes, it is asking why!! but still takes it without retaliation.


By my way of thinking this Bulldog breed has been bred to do this. Just the same as a greyhound has been bred to chase anything that moves. Just as the APB has been bred to be aggressive in almost all situations (this is a Bulldog not an APB).


This dog is true to it's breeding and deserves respect. Far more respect than I would give to the two pieces of human $hit that dealt out the punishment.

Yes but should it of been bred to be like that ?

Edited by gnasher16
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Gnasher. I think from the look of the dog it had already had its spirit /fight well & truelly knocked out of it long before we saw it on video bud!! Atb


Oh i dont make you wrong i agree.....im just saying i cant respect a dog that could be dominated like that......but then im not a dog lover i love certain dogs and dont like others so i can see how folks would get upset :thumbs:

Can't really see what respecting the dog or liking certain types of dogs has to do with this tbh??

I don't like cats particularly but I'd still be disgusted to watch a cat being abused in this way ( I clicked on the vid and turned it off after, 10 secs, I don't need to watch shit like that).

I guess i just dont particularly like pet dogs in general.....cats tend to be survivors i couldnt see one sitting accepting shit like that without either scratching out or running off.....i guess the old " mans best friend " ideology has its down sides also.

It's all to do with mental conditioning and the way a dog that lives with people has to behave ... From a pup it's taught and conditioned to be submissive towards people ... It's the same as a big strong working lurcher that will kill a fox in seconds then pull down and hold a fallow Buck and would be more than capable of making a mess on a man but wouldn't dream of it due to is mental conditioning ......

I have no real experience with guard/protection type dogs......but do you think a fully trained up one would sit taking a beating like that bulldog did ?.....after all we cant change centuries of mental conditioning in a few months....can we ?......my only experience has been with Apbt,s and timid and mentally fragile as some of them were there was plenty that simply wouldnt be dominated in that way......i find the inside of a dogs mind a fascinating thing and realise that for the most part they can only be what we made them so as " mans best friend " could it be said we are to blame for making a dog a submissive weak minded mess like that one was.......obviously you cant account for individual sick behaviour of certain people.......but im sure you get my drift.

A protection dog would have retaliated and made a mess of them because his mind has been conditioned to the fact that's it's ok to bite a human and to protect itself ... Most pet dogs are conditioned to do the complete opposite ......

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The dog should be respected for the loyalty it showed to its owners, the pack leaders. You only need to look at the dogs eyes, it is asking why!! but still takes it without retaliation.


By my way of thinking this Bulldog breed has been bred to do this. Just the same as a greyhound has been bred to chase anything that moves. Just as the APB has been bred to be aggressive in almost all situations (this is a Bulldog not an APB).


This dog is true to it's breeding and deserves respect. Far more respect than I would give to the two pieces of human $hit that dealt out the punishment.


Yes but should it of been bred to be like that ?

Yes because it's a pet that has to integrate with a family from kids to the elderly ........

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Gnasher. I think from the look of the dog it had already had its spirit /fight well & truelly knocked out of it long before we saw it on video bud!! Atb


Oh i dont make you wrong i agree.....im just saying i cant respect a dog that could be dominated like that......but then im not a dog lover i love certain dogs and dont like others so i can see how folks would get upset :thumbs:

Can't really see what respecting the dog or liking certain types of dogs has to do with this tbh??

I don't like cats particularly but I'd still be disgusted to watch a cat being abused in this way ( I clicked on the vid and turned it off after, 10 secs, I don't need to watch shit like that).

I guess i just dont particularly like pet dogs in general.....cats tend to be survivors i couldnt see one sitting accepting shit like that without either scratching out or running off.....i guess the old " mans best friend " ideology has its down sides also.

It's all to do with mental conditioning and the way a dog that lives with people has to behave ... From a pup it's taught and conditioned to be submissive towards people ... It's the same as a big strong working lurcher that will kill a fox in seconds then pull down and hold a fallow Buck and would be more than capable of making a mess on a man but wouldn't dream of it due to is mental conditioning ......

I have no real experience with guard/protection type dogs......but do you think a fully trained up one would sit taking a beating like that bulldog did ?.....after all we cant change centuries of mental conditioning in a few months....can we ?......my only experience has been with Apbt,s and timid and mentally fragile as some of them were there was plenty that simply wouldnt be dominated in that way......i find the inside of a dogs mind a fascinating thing and realise that for the most part they can only be what we made them so as " mans best friend " could it be said we are to blame for making a dog a submissive weak minded mess like that one was.......obviously you cant account for individual sick behaviour of certain people.......but im sure you get my drift.

I think the dog was still very young, and probably mis treated for the first day.

Like kids that get abused in the end many have said it became the norm, excepting it almost ( perhaps not the best anology but I think you'll get what I'm aiming at)

The dog has had no chance to develop in a normal way,... I think more than anything it shows how much control we can have over dogs.

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So with that in mind.....had that dog defended itself it could really be looked at as a bad dog not in line with what we have created ?.......can you see what im getting at ?......we have bred dogs to be how we want them to be.............obviously im playing a bit of devils advocate here but i just find a huge amount of hypocrisy in the whole pet dog mans best friend type thing.


To purposely breed dogs over many years to be totally submissive in any situation and to have absolutely no natural instinct for survival whatsoever......i just dont think i could do that.

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The dog should be respected for the loyalty it showed to its owners, the pack leaders. You only need to look at the dogs eyes, it is asking why!! but still takes it without retaliation.


By my way of thinking this Bulldog breed has been bred to do this. Just the same as a greyhound has been bred to chase anything that moves. Just as the APB has been bred to be aggressive in almost all situations (this is a Bulldog not an APB).


This dog is true to it's breeding and deserves respect. Far more respect than I would give to the two pieces of human $hit that dealt out the punishment.

Yes but should it of been bred to be like that ?

Yes because it's a pet that has to integrate with a family from kids to the elderly ........


At the expense of all of its natural instincts ?......and for our pleasure ?

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I think it was mentioned somewhere that Baby was still a pup. I can't see any of those oxygen thieves being able to lift a fully grown bulldog like they did.

Also if they've been abusing her since they got her then she has been broken just like kids who have abused, they don't know anything else. I doubt she has ever been trained and praised and her confidence brought on.

Hopefully the little scum bags will get what they deserve.

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Not sure if you're in a bit of a wind up Along with a dollop of common sense... Lol

But there are cruel c**ts in the hunting world no doubt, but they're not the sort of twats I've any time for, these pair of pricks are cruel beyond belief, can't see what the get from that sort of shit, severe mental issues Imo...

I'm sure life will end up dealing out the sort of shit they deserve though!!

No mate, I wasn't at the wind up.

It's true what I say, it won't make a blind bit of difference to anyone's life what happens to these two.

They got caught, they got sentanced and that's enough.......as I said before, it's not my cup of tea to go dusting off my pitchfork and linking arm with a load of RSPCA sympathisers in a chorus of "we shall overcome"


I know what I am and I know what I do.......I kill things to satisfy some deeply ingrained instinct so basically for my pleasure.......just like everybody else on here.

It is what it is.........I don't need to grow dreadlocks to please the crowd and fit in with "normal" folk.


I don't advocate wanton cruelty or bullying a creature for pleasure but you won't find me getting in bed with the hairy minge brigade either pal.


Anyway, a few foxes in the wires last week who got an overdose of Alphamax for breakfast.........the same people on that petition would happily see me behind the door for that ;)

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The dog should be respected for the loyalty it showed to its owners, the pack leaders. You only need to look at the dogs eyes, it is asking why!! but still takes it without retaliation.


By my way of thinking this Bulldog breed has been bred to do this. Just the same as a greyhound has been bred to chase anything that moves. Just as the APB has been bred to be aggressive in almost all situations (this is a Bulldog not an APB).


This dog is true to it's breeding and deserves respect. Far more respect than I would give to the two pieces of human $hit that dealt out the punishment.


Yes but should it of been bred to be like that ?

Yes because it's a pet that has to integrate with a family from kids to the elderly ........

At the expense of all of its natural instincts ?......and for our pleasure ?

I'm not saying its correct or right just saying that's the way it is .......

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Not sure if you're in a bit of a wind up Along with a dollop of common sense... Lol

But there are cruel c**ts in the hunting world no doubt, but they're not the sort of twats I've any time for, these pair of pricks are cruel beyond belief, can't see what the get from that sort of shit, severe mental issues Imo...

I'm sure life will end up dealing out the sort of shit they deserve though!!

No mate, I wasn't at the wind up.

It's true what I say, it won't make a blind bit of difference to anyone's life what happens to these two.

They got caught, they got sentanced and that's enough.......as I said before, it's not my cup of tea to go dusting off my pitchfork and linking arm with a load of RSPCA sympathisers in a chorus of "we shall overcome"

I know what I am and I know what I do.......I kill things to satisfy some deeply ingrained instinct so basically for my pleasure.......just like everybody else on here.

It is what it is.........I don't need to grow dreadlocks to please the crowd and fit in with "normal" folk.

I don't advocate wanton cruelty or bullying a creature for pleasure but you won't find me getting in bed with the hairy minge brigade either pal.

Anyway, a few foxes in the wires last week who got an overdose of Alphamax for breakfast.........the same people on that petition would happily see me behind the door for that ;)

Lol... I got your point, and basically agree.

Should they have got more of a sentence, Imo yes

Should they get a beating, yes


Am I gonna do anything, no


We all know there a pair of twats, but what can you do??


Although I do think this is the very thing the RSPCA should be dealing with

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So with that in mind.....had that dog defended itself it could really be looked at as a bad dog not in line with what we have created ?.......can you see what im getting at ?......we have bred dogs to be how we want them to be.............obviously im playing a bit of devils advocate here but i just find a huge amount of hypocrisy in the whole pet dog mans best friend type thing.


To purposely breed dogs over many years to be totally submissive in any situation and to have absolutely no natural instinct for survival whatsoever......i just dont think i could do that.[/quote

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