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Headshot This Duck At 35 Yards, Lazed With The 100Kt

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Probably thee best post you've pretty much ever put forward. Humour and Informative, showing accuracy and good shot placement.


Obviously not from 35 yards but will give you that one.



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Why "Thank You" Jamie, nice to see your learning for once.


The duck was shot flighting in on a lake at a lazed 35 yards.

I was in full camo, standing on a floating log with crocodiles circling about me.

Obviously i was "Sporting" and shot the duck whilst it was in mid flight and on 6x magnification :yes: .



For those who wish to be technical, like Rez always does,- i gave it a full 6 milldots windage from right to left and hold over was not required as the range was 35 yards and i was using .177 :feck:



April foooooooool :boogie:

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  On 01/04/2016 at 07:59, mark williams said:

Why "Thank You" Jamie, nice to see your learning for once.


The duck was shot flighting in on a lake at a lazed 35 yards.

I was in full camo, standing on a floating log with crocodiles circling about me.

Obviously i was "Sporting" and shot the duck whilst it was in mid flight and on 6x magnification :yes: .



For those who wish to be technical, like Rez always does,- i gave it a full 6 milldots windage from right to left and hold over was not required as the range was 35 yards and i was using .177 :feck:



April foooooooool :boogie:


Took a shot, missed, took a shot, missed... and so on... :)

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My eldest kid is 6ft 8" (i kid you not), middle kid offered pro terms with rugby league and youngest kid still playing top rank amateur RL, - none of them would let me have their ducks so i shot this wild one :whistling: .




Err - just one shot was enough "Jimmy" :feck:



atb lads

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