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2002 Wild Mammals Act Scotland

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We only have till 31st of March to submit to Lord Bollanny , if i can manage to do a few paragraphs anyone can , most will be on facebook if you can have a look on SACS page and email that the current law works and there is no need for change , the Antis are submitting plenty and the timing of the lacs footage on the news tonight doesnt help , would be most grateful if few of yous could email .

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There is no way that Scotland could keep laws the way they are because when England and Wales tried for the same laws as Scotland who shot that down in flames yes Scotland . But I do hope they stay the same for the genuine lads in Scotland and could give us a argument then also

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I really wish the Scots lads all the best on this one, but as FB stated it was the Scottish leader and her followers that denied us any chance of a repeal. I could never understand their stand on this considering we were only fighting for a repeal which included hunting in the same form as Scotland. Unfortunately it now becomes clear of her intention and that is to conform to the hunting laws of England and Wales.

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“The review will look at whether current legislation is providing the necessary level of protection for foxes and other wild mammals while allowing for the effective and humane control of these animals where required.” It goes on to say,

The review will not consider the following:
– whether predator control is necessary to protect livestock or wildlife
– the operation of other wildlife legislation unless it has a direct bearing on the operation on the 2002 act
– other types of predator or pest control”


Thats what the review is based on, basically its whether the animal suffers by being killed by a dog regardless of other methods available, you know what the answer will be..."well its being killed so of course it suffers", it doesn't look good for Scottish dogmen unfortunately, you'll just have to make sure you vote that dried up old bag out when the time comes.

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MickyB wrote

it doesn't look good for Scottish dogmen unfortunately,


I hope your wrong mate because if the lacs win this one they will move on to england and Northern Ireland and start ramping up the pressure then they will go for a ban on shooting then fishing. It isn't right no matter what you want to do in life there's always somec#nt wanting to stop you or bring in rules and regs or squeeze money out of you.

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So do any of you snp voters feel stupid now ?

Jimmy cranky has a class issue and is hell bent on upsetting the establishment at all costs.

Just a Scottish version of phoney tony with his us against them attitude .

As for the vote blocking....immature, childish playground politics .


People don't realise which side of the bread is buttered until it's to late .

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