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Spaniel/ Gundog Lurchers

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A few pics of my busy little spaniel x lurcher bitch......          

Shame about yours Tomo - sounds like it could have been handy.   Mustelid - I think fashion and heresay/word of mouth/rumour/publicity has a lot to do with it. Dogs go in and out of fashion. In the

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Somewhereyournot.........She's was gamekeepers spaniel bitch to his lurcher....accidental mating.


Maximus.......best way for me to describe her when I say busy.......start to finish she hunts with intent.


She's is the most switched on intelligent dog I've worked....brighter than the collies I used to work.

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Somewhereyournot.........She's was gamekeepers spaniel bitch to his lurcher....accidental mating.


Maximus.......best way for me to describe her when I say busy.......start to finish she hunts with intent.


She's is the most switched on intelligent dog I've worked....brighter than the collies I used to work.

When you say brighter, what exactly are the differences?

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Trenchfoot.....when i say brighter I suppose I mean very alert to me and switched on to what's going on around her. She's incredible good at getting my attention.....she uses the intelligence what she's got very well not stopping for commands like some intelligent dogs do...if that makes sense. Sorry it's not a very good description, but she still astounds me now.


Brighter as in not how much I could train her, but how much she learns for herself and uses to her advantage.


Very sorry to hear about your dog....looked a beauty.

Edited by wuyang
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Now i really like this dog!! This is the type im looking to own myself sometime in the future,ive seen one at work & i liked what i seen,very obedient,busy,accurate & if there's game to be found be it fur or feather then it was getting ousted from its place of residence lol..you've a cracker there bud,enjoy ?

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Mustelid......id have to check height but i think 21inch. She's caught me more than any other dog I've owned, but I don't catch big hauls of stuff, just a bit of something here and there. On open land she would never have caught a hare when it was legal, but on the right terrain I reckon she would, had rabbits and I've been shocked by the number of squirrels she's retrieved back....loads of them, usuallyl alive. I've owned faster dogs, but never had a dog that seems to have such skill when hunting, she air scents quite a lot and I've seen her freezing and stalking to her advantage.


I would definitely say she suits me for the land type and type of hunting I now do....mainly daytime strolling about, I love watching her hunt. She definitely seems to have the right blend of attributes to catch things where I go, to look at her you wouldn't think she'd catch owt, most people wonder as to what cross she is, not your usual looking lurcher....short fairly long, stocky n places.

Edited by wuyang
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Cheers Wuyang. Can I ask if you've lamped her at all? Is she quick enough to catch rabbits regularly? I've got a Field Trial Winner springer bitch and I've often considered a fast lurcher across her for some decent rabbiting pups.

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Mustelid..... I haven't lamped her, but she would definitely catch, she's fairly quick and agile, but can't as expected turn as sharply as my other whippety bitch. I reckon she would get most of her catches along the hedgerow, or striking sitters.

I by no means think she would be the best dog for lamping, but she would catch.


She's an odd little dog,,,, she likes to stalk and round up/ circle my other little lurcher before chasing her. To say she's less than half sight hound I'm lucky how quick she is.


I wanted a lurcher with springer in its breeding for the fact I was fed up of seeing people out with there pet springers that were hunting harder and more enthuiastically than my lurchers were on the ground I hunted. Due to not having much to go at around me I needed a dog that naturally hunted for a scent. I've had too many dogs that want to play with a stick or something when there's not much going on, her idea of playing is seeking and catching game.


The other thing is her obedience,,,, she responds super quick to whistles etc. She has that typical sitting upright with chest out just like a spaniel.

Edited by wuyang
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