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Rspca On The Rack...........

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I caught a bit of the radio 2 item, anything that exposes the delusional nut cases for what they've now become can't be a bad thing, unfortunately they still have friends in high places but it will all come tumbling down in time I'm sure.


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I was doing some bird proofing for a school once. You can imagine it, Local Authority work so I had to jump through hoops, Method Statements, Risk Assessments, show them all my documentation etc. Anywho, when I was doing the work some nutter called the RSPCA and complained, all I was doing was was clearing the gull nests and putting up netting. RSPCA duly arrives at school telling them I was breaking the law, fortunately I had given the Premises Manager (we used to call them Caretakers) a copy of the General Licence pertaining to the work I was undertaking. RSPCA duly beat a hasty retreat. W@nkers.

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It's simple they lied about withholding information, broke the law, run rough shot over the family ,and destroyed a animal without the owners concent, prosecute the f*****g idiots, power pissed load of shite, too much power needs disbanding, how long do we have to suffer these idiots, I hope they screw them, and the vet that put the needle in,Jesus it proper boils ya piss, I feel for the family and the poor kids,I hope the neighbour who reported the cat feels real proud of them selves,

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I was doing some bird proofing for a school once. You can imagine it, Local Authority work so I had to jump through hoops, Method Statements, Risk Assessments, show them all my documentation etc. Anywho, when I was doing the work some nutter called the RSPCA and complained, all I was doing was was clearing the gull nests and putting up netting. RSPCA duly arrives at school telling them I was breaking the law, fortunately I had given the Premises Manager (we used to call them Caretakers) a copy of the General Licence pertaining to the work I was undertaking. RSPCA duly beat a hasty retreat. W@nkers.

That's how they get away with alot of stuff by bullshitting and/or bullying folk that either don't know the score or can't afford to fight it in court. The more of the truth about what they are actually upto the better.

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Some of there inspectors are on a total power trip with uniforms that are meant to impersonate police uniforms so the old and the gullible fall for there pish

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