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I have a one year old whippet he's literally just turned 12 months. He has selective hearing!! I have an extendable lead and when he is on that he is brilliant he comes back on recall for a treat and it's all fine. When I let him off he will not come back, he will not listen at all he runs off to other dogs and hounds other dog walkers he sometimes runs out of site and near roads it's quite scary so I have stopped letting him off. Can anyway tell me any training methods??? I work him as well and he doesn't like the ferrets and I think he's getting confused as were telling him not to go for the ferrets but want him to get a rabbit. He chases the rabbits fine but just can't catch one. He comes back when we let him off for a chase fine just when we're out waking please help ??

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The more time you spend with him the better.I`ve seen whippets being like yours until they`re 2 but then calm down and become quite obedient.Let him off in enclosed fields and footpaths etc until he`s camed down.He`s just keen to get some fur in his mouth.Good luck.

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Sorry Aritch. There is a lad on here who has a whippet very similar to yours. Except it's never seen the beam. It just runs off and never catches anything. He's a swine for coming on when he's had a beer and making up multiple accounts. We all just assumed it was just him playing silly buggers again.


I hope you get yours sorted. I'm sure it will come together given a bit of time.


All the best,



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you need to get him around ferrets more safely there is no room for confusion ferrets are a no and rabbits I am sure he doesn't need encouraging anyway.

You can practice recall lots in the house on a lead any where and when out and about recall when you know he will come. Don't waste your time calling if his blasting off to see another dog you need to get it on a lead before that happens. Don't ever call him if you know his not going to come like when his heads down on a scent. Don't let him do what he wants. Not that I have a clue really just stuff I have picked up and been taught with mine. Mine would walk all over me if he could :laugh:



Edited by terryd
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