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Deben Ferret Finder M3

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Looking to get some feedback on the Deben M3 ferret finder's from those who were previously using the M1 boxes and have now switched over to the M3.


Been having trouble lately with the M1 box especially around fences with interference.


Than You


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Once you get the hang of them the mk3's are a good bit of kit, but don't do anything that a mk1 can't do imo.

Maybe it's because I'm thick but it took me a while to get the hang of the mk3, whereas the mk1 was a doddle from the off.

As an example of the thick thing I was searching a few weeks ago and the finder took me farther and farther out into the field, and it was only when my mate fell on the floor laughing that I realised I was picking up on the ferret we'd left in the box......... :whistling::icon_redface:

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Only thing better about them is they don't pick up as much interference next to fences but that is the only advantage, i have either, don't like the magnetic collars, rather have the ones you tape up. Only thing wrong with them ones is they have a wide webbing collar i just change them for a normal collar.

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The mk 3 is never accurate at depth ,,but is very accurate with direction,,,when it's bleeping at it's most high pitched,,,it's bang above the ferret....


Pros and cons with both,,,,oh and for some reason,,,the let the wet in easy,,,then stop working and need drying out..

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I hate the noise of the mk3, and like has been said they're not accurate on the depth reading. But I like the fact that the search setting picks up from much further away than the mk1 (well, the old 8' mk1 anyhow, which is the one I had). When doing thickish hedgerows on my own it allows me to know roughly where the ferret is without necessarily having to get through the hedge.

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Had a Mk 3 in it's wrapping for three years and continued to use the Mk 1. If I was ferreting with friends they would be using the Mk1, I could see nothing wrong with it. Eventually I succumbed and started to use the Mk 3. I'm of an age where I don't like change and it took me some time to get used to the Mk3. I have never had issues with the accuracy, but I ensure that all batteries are viable. Once you know the capabilities of it you come to love 'the carrot'. I have two fully functioning Mk1s which I leave in the spares bag. This bag still comes ferreting with us but rarely leaves the Landrover. I liken the Mk1 to hemp nets, loved by so many but in my opinion not as good as the newer gear. So I will continue to go ferreting with my Mk3 and brightly coloured poly nets.

Edited by Mochastorm
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It's a bit like getting a new girl friend once you know which buttons to press your away ???

I've never used an mk1 and as you've said fences and stuff cause interference , once you get used to the sound of a truck reversing with the mk3 your ok , it does the job and that's enough for me ,

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mk3 is progress... mk1 is regression.


The mk3 is by far a better ,more accurate piece of equipment that if used correctly and with skill will find you your ferret to within a few inches.


Anybody tells you different its because they haven't used the Mk3 properly. :thumbs:

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