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Guard Dogs Anyone?

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South Africa has one of the highest crime rates in the world. Part of this is from house burglars raping and murdering the occupants more so than we will ever experience. Alot of people have guns and

That will teach the thieving twat .....

There is no sweeter sound than that of a house burglar screaming like a bitch with a dog hanging off him ......


You lads that find this disgraceful and horrendous ... Have you spent any time in an African country ........


we dont stay in an african nation and ken i find it a natural reaction to be disgusted at they imagies.

Well until you have been to one of those countries you will never understand their mindset ... They are not like us far from it ... If he had found somebody at home whether that be man woman or child he would more than likely have killed them ... On the flip side he knew that robbing somewhere could get him killed ... He made the choice to carry out the crime knowing the consequences ... I would rather him dead than some poor child who was sat indoors innocently playing with their toys ......

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LOL.... some of the comments on here are really unbelievable... have yous really been turned into zombies by the computer and lost all your morals and empathy?

THL at its finest ill tell you.... a bunch of clowns who sit on there computers all day talking about dogs...not out working or walking them it seems that's if half even keep dogs... know the true story or any part of it because they read it on facebook!! What I have just watched was a fekin disgrace, and will take me a day or 2 to get that image out of my head! That man whoever he was has family and im sure they don't want to hear or read other folk who have anything better to do that to talk chaff in this shit hole... saying he deserved it and the dogs done well... and a few usual shit talkers throwing there 2 pence in... bunch of clowns....only onion johnny had I heard make any kind of logical statement and yous attack him like a bunch of dogs,,,fkn cowards the lot of yous .....

Why's it make me a coward for putting my opinion after he put his?

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were supposed to be civilised the comments on this thread challenges that notion.

I can see what your getting at. And although I didn't revel in it I just couldn't give a f**k about him,,.(that's if he was a thief).

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were supposed to be civilised the comments on this thread challenges that notion.

I can see what your getting at. And although I didn't revel in it I just couldn't give a f**k about him,,.(that's if he was a thief).

It also depends what you have seen and experienced in life and how that video compares to those experiences .......

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were supposed to be civilised the comments on this thread challenges that notion.

I can see what your getting at. And although I didn't revel in it I just couldn't give a f**k about him,,.(that's if he was a thief).
It also depends what you have seen and experienced in life and how that video compares to those experiences .......

I can understand that as well mate. In your profession you will have seen more than most....probably in circumstances where even people you know have ended up worse off. I get that. Be easy for you too say f**k him. Like I did also.

Saying that if it did turn out he wasn't a thief is be inclined to feel a tad sorry for him. Not a nice way too go.

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were supposed to be civilised the comments on this thread challenges that notion.

I can see what your getting at. And although I didn't revel in it I just couldn't give a f**k about him,,.(that's if he was a thief).
It also depends what you have seen and experienced in life and how that video compares to those experiences .......

I can understand that as well mate. In your profession you will have seen more than most....probably in circumstances where even people you know have ended up worse off. I get that. Be easy for you too say f**k him. Like I did also.

Saying that if it did turn out he wasn't a thief is be inclined to feel a tad sorry for him. Not a nice way too go.

I'm with you on that one if the fella was inocent and fell into the yard or something then I feel sorry for the poor fukcer .......

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You lads that find this disgraceful and horrendous ... Have you spent any time in an African country ........

we dont stay in an african nation and ken i find it a natural reaction to be disgusted at they imagies.

Well until you have been to one of those countries you will never understand their mindset ... They are not like us far from it ... If he had found somebody at home whether that be man woman or child he would more than likely have killed them ... On the flip side he knew that robbing somewhere could get him killed ... He made the choice to carry out the crime knowing the consequences ... I would rather him dead than some poor child who was sat indoors innocently playing with their toys ......


I think Socks has summed the situation up perfectly,its as simple as that! Jon onion sounds like a decent bloke ,possibly a bit naive to how life is valued in other parts of the world?

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were supposed to be civilised the comments on this thread challenges that notion.

I can see what your getting at. And although I didn't revel in it I just couldn't give a f**k about him,,.(that's if he was a thief).


what if it was stewie lol

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You lads that find this disgraceful and horrendous ... Have you spent any time in an African country ........

You don't need to live in another country nor have spent time there to find something disgusting or horrendous, watching a man get his throat ripped out by a dog is horrendous no matter what the reason or were you live ffs.

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Did you see his throat get ripped out then ? Because I didn't .. The reason I asked about have you been to those countries is due to the fact that if you had you would understand how they live and behave and as stated if he had found some innocent child at home there's every chance he would kill that child ... Take a look at all the comments underneath that video from people who actually live there 99.9% of them are saying what the majority on here are saying ... You are firmly in the minority .........

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