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Any British Nesting Yet

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Nice one cantona and the best of luck mate,i was feeding my lot today and was just changing a few nest pans about and went to move one that has a rope lining in it but no nest and found 2 redpoll eggs

After an unsuccessful ringing nitemare ive managed to keep the rings on three bully chicks. There two weeks old today. Now waiting for the four full goldie eggs to hatch over the weekend. Fingers

Just some pva glue or a cable tie is easiest to use or sow them,silicon sealer or double sided tape all work as well .. My bullie cocks are singing away like nothing else and my redpolls are all fe

The Greenfinch hens have been looking for nesting materials for the last week or so, but cocks have just started showing signs the last couple of days, be putting nesting materials in 1st April.


Got some canarys on eggs, nests made out of allsorts.

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What do you stick your

  On 25/03/2016 at 19:30, slip lead said:

The Greenfinch hens have been looking for nesting materials for the last week or so, but cocks have just started showing signs the last couple of days, be putting nesting materials in 1st April.

Got some canarys on eggs, nests made out of allsorts.

sounds promising mate, do you use felts in your nest pans ? Mine keep pulling them out, wondering what to stick them down with
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  On 26/03/2016 at 18:04, cantona said:

What do you stick your

  On 25/03/2016 at 19:30, slip lead said:

The Greenfinch hens have been looking for nesting materials for the last week or so, but cocks have just started showing signs the last couple of days, be putting nesting materials in 1st April.

Got some canarys on eggs, nests made out of allsorts.

sounds promising mate, do you use felts in your nest pans ? Mine keep pulling them out, wondering what to stick them down with


Just some pva glue or a cable tie is easiest to use or sow them,silicon sealer or double sided tape all work as well :victory: ..

My bullie cocks are singing away like nothing else and my redpolls are all feeding each other but i'll wait just for a bit longer to put in nest pans etc unless i see them trying to build with whats about in the flights then i'll put them in as i allways think if a bird wants to and feels like it's ready to nest then let them do so rather than trying to hold them back............

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even these 2 pair canarys have not nested yet at mine, but the ones I let my son have are on eggs at his, so might start soon, plenty of time for the british I would think, its like wnter here this w/end, very cold wind and rain, did see a blackbird building in garden yesterday, hope ya all have a good season atb.

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  On 27/03/2016 at 10:50, fireman said:


  On 26/03/2016 at 18:04, cantona said:

What do you stick your


  On 25/03/2016 at 19:30, slip lead said:

The Greenfinch hens have been looking for nesting materials for the last week or so, but cocks have just started showing signs the last couple of days, be putting nesting materials in 1st April.

Got some canarys on eggs, nests made out of allsorts.


sounds promising mate, do you use felts in your nest pans ? Mine keep pulling them out, wondering what to stick them down with

Just some pva glue or a cable tie is easiest to use or sow them,silicon sealer or double sided tape all work as well :victory: ..

My bullie cocks are singing away like nothing else and my redpolls are all feeding each other but i'll wait just for a bit longer to put in nest pans etc unless i see them trying to build with whats about in the flights then i'll put them in as i allways think if a bird wants to and feels like it's ready to nest then let them do so rather than trying to hold them back............

another question for you if you please, how come when the birds moult and get there new feather the colour is fixed until there next moult, but when they are in breeding condition they look more colourful and smarter?
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Got 3 eggs off my bullies waiting to go in and redpolls feeding each other. I wouldnt have put a nest pan in yet but the female laid 2 eggs off the perches and both cracked so i introduced pan and she built a nest in no time. Shes laid another 3 since one on the floor and 2 in nest so far. What nest materials do you lads use for your british birds and what type of pans??

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  On 27/03/2016 at 12:19, cantona said:


  On 27/03/2016 at 10:50, fireman said:


  On 26/03/2016 at 18:04, cantona said:

What do you stick your

  On 25/03/2016 at 19:30, slip lead said:

The Greenfinch hens have been looking for nesting materials for the last week or so, but cocks have just started showing signs the last couple of days, be putting nesting materials in 1st April.

Got some canarys on eggs, nests made out of allsorts.

sounds promising mate, do you use felts in your nest pans ? Mine keep pulling them out, wondering what to stick them down with
Just some pva glue or a cable tie is easiest to use or sow them,silicon sealer or double sided tape all work as well :victory: ..

My bullie cocks are singing away like nothing else and my redpolls are all feeding each other but i'll wait just for a bit longer to put in nest pans etc unless i see them trying to build with whats about in the flights then i'll put them in as i allways think if a bird wants to and feels like it's ready to nest then let them do so rather than trying to hold them back............

another question for you if you please, how come when the birds moult and get there new feather the colour is fixed until there next moult, but when they are in breeding condition they look more colourful and smarter?


A lot of birds do have a little light moult just as spring happens and as the fresh new green foods come through after the hardships of hard seeds of winter they bring the goodness all animals need to really shine at breeding time,the different light spectrum spring brings also does make a difference as some plant growers will tell you :thumbs::laugh: ..

For bullies the bigger nesting pans is what i use and small ones for my redpolls,nesting stuff i've only even seen my bullies use coconut fibre cut into 4 inch strips and very fine silver birtch twigs although i've offered them all sorts.The redpolls get allsorts from coconut fibre to the dog hair i get sent from a lady with cockers she trims,also give natural stuff like moss,small twigs,dried grasses the sort of things you find in wild nests as such :victory: ,good luck with the bullies mate but be warned they can be a emotional bird to keep so don't be hard on yourself if they mess about just hang on in there as when they do pull it off there's no better feeling in the british bird world imo ...

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My bully hen sat tight on 6 now......everything crossed....plus 2 got smashed. Redpolls nesting only material they using is cotton so far offered them all of the natural stuff you mentioned. 2 pairs glosters both sat on 4. Yellow lippochromes sat on 3 and 5 pairs fifes and one pair red factors all sat on eggs.....excited much. Hope ending is as good as this bit.....lol

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Pans and nesting stuff went in today and the redpolls were pulling on the nesting stuff before i had left the flight and the goldies were also flying about with fluff in their bills at last light,here we go again and the very best of luck with the season ahead folks :victory: ...

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