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Ratting Today On Pig Farm

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Photobucket playing up ,theres more to come]    

Phony Tony and "new labour" f*cked this country doing a deal to ban hunting if elected,then having no border controls allowing millions of 3rd world immigrants in without checks, he then let the banks

The farm is soon to close down which is a great shame ,cant compete with imported meat .How the f**k is that ever right .

You scots have always done as your told by Westminster so your well used to being dictated too.

I liked dear Margret , she had backbone not point winning speeches like Jimmy cranky.

Labour ..... The working class party has long left these shores, and only pocket lining shit heads remain.

And just for you mole I'm calling me next dog thatcher!!!!!!

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Today, 01:25 PM

You scots have always done as your told by Westminster so your well used to being dictated too.

I liked dear Margret , she had backbone not point winning speeches like Jimmy cranky.

Labour ..... The working class party has long left these shores, and only pocket lining shit heads remain.

And just for you mole I'm calling me next dog thatcher!!!!!!


That's a fantastic idea. Pmsl.

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Got to agree with Mole on this one as I worked in a pit and was thrown on the spoil heap. Bitter pill when her own husband was involved in importing coal from abroad obviously with his hand in the pot. So whatever anyone says she completely fuc**d my life. As Max Boyce would say "I was there "

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Today, 07:31 AM

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Today, 02:32 PM

Don't understand what the fu** is wrong with this country. We are completely up the tubes!!


Mole wrote

Thatcher killed this country killed off the

coal mines, steelworks, ship building....etc and now thatcher with trousers aka Cameron is here to finish the job. Make yae feckin boak.


Mik wrote

Thatcher didnt kill this country you really do speak some shite lad


Mole wrote

Your wrong on both counts my little cherub

You just have to ask any of the people who worked in the industries she trashed all because she didn't like the power the unions had.

She also cut loads of custom & excise jobs opening the flood gates and letting drugs flow into this country.

Cameron is doing the same cutting border control jobs so that will be even more drugs and terrorists flooding into our little island.

Ps. Mikey boy if you don't like what I right don't read it. Simple as that problem solved. Pmsl.

How the fuk will I know if I dont like what you write until I read it ?....and from reading your posts you speak utter shite ....It was the unions that fuked this country ...unionism in its ideal form is good it protects the working man ....but it was taken advantage of and gave men an excuse not to work ...I seen it when I worked in the North Sea all the construction side off the industry was unionised.... bunch of lazy bone idol fukers ... .Thatcher had more balls than any of the mps now adays

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Today, 02:34 PM

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Today, 07:31 AM

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Today, 02:32 PM

Don't understand what the fu** is wrong with this country. We are completely up the tubes!!


Mole wrote

Thatcher killed this country killed off the

coal mines, steelworks, ship building....etc and now thatcher with trousers aka Cameron is here to finish the job. Make yae feckin boak.


Mik wrote

Thatcher didnt kill this country you really do speak some shite lad


Mole wrote

Your wrong on both counts my little cherub

You just have to ask any of the people who worked in the industries she trashed all because she didn't like the power the unions had.

She also cut loads of custom & excise jobs opening the flood gates and letting drugs flow into this country.

Cameron is doing the same cutting border control jobs so that will be even more drugs and terrorists flooding into our little island.

Ps. Mikey boy if you don't like what I right don't read it. Simple as that problem solved. Pmsl.

How the fuk will I know if I dont like what you write until I read it ?....and from reading your posts you speak utter shite ....It was the unions that fuked this country ...unionism in its ideal form is good it protects the working man ....but it was taken advantage of and gave men an excuse not to work ...I seen it when I worked in the North Sea all the construction side off the industry was unionised.... bunch of lazy bone idol fukers ... .Thatcher had more balls than any of the mps now adays


Mole wrote

That's at least twice you've said I speak? Utter shite!!! Don't you mean write and your still reading dohh

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The miners fought for jobs not money and think what you like about the unions in the end they were right no pits left equals no work. And I can assure you no miner in South Wales was earning that sort of money and I only wish they were cause they deserved every penny of it and more

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I didn't see labour opening pits either when they came to power.

Who's to say it wasn't on the cards whatever party was in power at that time.

House building in the 80s was a mine field for work and if you don't dance to their tune they took away the music.

Always been a sub contractor with the mindset if your gonner work hard work hard for yourself.

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