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Why Is It Labeled Such A Bad Crime ?

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The least united activity in country pursuits is the running dog community, the majority are glory seekers and self promoters ,in it to be a name or to exploit those of less experience but with the same ambitions. As some one stated in England organised coursing is gone and never coming back. The amendments to the Hunting Act will never include dogs on hares or deer. those that say it will are either nieve or deceitful.. Lurchers working the rabbits are already accommodated within the present Act. The individual or a pair have a reasonable chance of following the tradition of running as long as its not broadcast to all and sundry even if you get a pull for running .trespass or suspicion of you have a decent chance to walk away if you use your head. the driving the land in 4x4 wrecking fences a, pens and crops has never been apart of country activity and is a major part of the arsenal of the Lacs and antis..Farmers/Landowners with a few exceptions dont allow dogs on the land why Risk £5,000 pound fines for breaking the law, most looking at it financially will back the shoots every time and the large fees they can gain from shooting clubs. Cameron will do nothing Re the Hunting Act some say it was in the manifesto but the track record of this government has more u turns than a plumbers exam. What is in your blood is in your blood ,being criminalised for following country traditions is a risk that some are prepared to take,just dont put yourself on offer keep your own council and enjoy what you do within the constraints of the Law of course.

Edited by desertbred
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  On 26/03/2016 at 13:32, Dan McDonough said:


  On 25/03/2016 at 08:20, Francie said:

Its not a crime its a statute, crime is when someones injured or property stolen, I would say its not a crime, by there own rules,


Someone knows that is really going on. ;)

If only we could live under common law as agreed Magna Carta and all that.

But the b*****ds keep making up statute laws that serve no benefit except taking money from us

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I find the lurcher running quarry fair sport which I can't see how anyone could say any difference I don't like to see more than one coursing myself has it then becomes slightly unfair but I wouldn't say it's wrong. What I have seen over the last few years is the big increase of heavy bull crosses which are never built or bred for coursing and are made only for one thing which again I don't really disagree with but I do find this practice pointless because a gun could make the job a lot easier but each to their own. what I do disagree with is the men who take these type of lurchers to shows ,game fairs with all their scars who think it's a matcho thing to be standing there with their dog going for family pet dogs who the family like to have with them on the day and what's worse you never once see the men who own these big intimidating dogs to some people ever correcting the dog. you have people in the game fair who take no sides in the debate of hunting with lurcher see these type of dogs and owners and then think negative of lurchers has a hole and the sport and to be honest I don't think it paints a good picture for the future of the sport.

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I remember many years ago being out on the lamp with my then lamping partner. We got to the farm which was only up the road to the farmer inviting us in for a cuppa and some toast, he was a real character and loved nothing more than a good chat wanting to know the local gossip, a genuine gentwith a good sense of humour. After a quite successful night I was loading up my Escort van with the dogs and gear when my mate disappeared, after 10 minutes of wondering where the f**k he had gone he came around the corner of the barn loaded down with fence posts on both shoulders. I drove off took his dog in to his house put it in the run and found myself someone else to go out with

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  On 26/03/2016 at 14:56, Chaff said:


  On 26/03/2016 at 13:32, Dan McDonough said:


  On 25/03/2016 at 08:20, Francie said:

Its not a crime its a statute, crime is when someones injured or property stolen, I would say its not a crime, by there own rules,

Someone knows that is really going on. ;)

If only we could live under common law as agreed Magna Carta and all that.

But the b*****ds keep making up statute laws that serve no benefit except taking money from us



To the wilderness. Enough with all of the frills of the world, they are not worth the life spent to keep them.

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